4.2 Diagnostic
Select [Diagnostic] in Main Menu and press [ENTER], the screen will display Monitor Status interface as following
Press [ESC] to back to the Main Menu of Diagnostic, the screen will display as following
4.2.1 Read Codes
Select [Read Codes] and press [ENTER] in Diagnostic Menu. If there are some codes, the screen will display the codes as
shown below:
According to the above figure to select different item by pressing
] or
] and press [ENTER] to confirm.
1/27 indicates there are 27 codes total and now P0100 is the first code to display.
The screen will also show the content of the code below the number of code.
You can use
]key to view the next code.
After viewing all the codes, you can press [ESC] to return to the Diagnostic Menu.
4.2.2 Erase Codes
Select [Erase Codes], the screen will display the interface as shown below:
Press [ENTER] to erase DTC shown below: