7. Installation
Before installing the device, please read the following carefully and follow the instructions
Danger of electrocution!
Installation of this device requires a great degree of skill and may be performed only by a licensed
and qualified electrician. Please keep in mind that even when the device is turned off, voltage
may still be present in the device
’s terminals.
Do not connect the device to loads exceeding the recommended values. Connect the device
exactly as shown in the provided diagrams. Improper wiring may be dangerous and result in
equipment damage.
Electrical installation must be protected by directly associated overcurrent protection fuse 10A,
gG or Time lag T, rated breaking capacity 1500A (ESKA 522.727) must be used according to
wiring diagram to achieve appropriate overload protection of the device
The fuse must be
installed in fuse holder type: Adele contact 503Si/1 DS according to the standard