Q-Controller System Operation Manual
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86550-001-000 Rev B
Setup Devices
Name Devices and Addressing
The term “sensor” used throughout means a digitally communicating sensor/transmitter
unless otherwise stated. It can be any QEL digital sensor, such as Q5, Q8, M5, M17,
QIRF, QTS-8000 etc.
The Q-Controller supports up to 128x remote digital sensors, 16x AI-Box, 16x AO-Box,
31x BI-Box and 31x BO-Box.
In order to communicate with Q-Controller through the 4x RS-485 Sensor ports, each
device must have a unique address in its device group.
For digital sensors, the acceptable addresses are 0 … 127
For AI-Box, the acceptable addresses are 0 … 15
For AO-Box, the acceptable addresses are 0 … 15
For BI-Box, the acceptable addresses are 0 … 30
For BO-Box, the acceptable addresses are 0 … 30
Sensor is named from Sensor 0 to Sensor 127.
AI-Box is named from AI-Box-0 to AI-Box-15.
AO-Box is named from AO-Box-0 to AO-Box-15.
BI-Box is named from BI-Box-0 to BI-Box-30.
BO-Box is named from RO-Box-0 to RO-Box-30.
Channel Number:
The last digit in the BI-Box-0-2 is the channel number, so “BI-Box-0-2: Disabled” in the
screen means the second channel in the address 0 of BI-Box is disabled.