The Sequencer
The Sequencer of the Sirius
The Sirius has a pattern-sequencer with 7 Parts or tracks.
The sequencer allows you to play little music pieces, called 'motifs', in various ways, which can then
be put together to form a complete song.
The sequencer does not record the sound of the instrument which is being recorded, as does a tape
recorder. It is more like a trigger: In record mode the sequencer memorizes which note or key is be-
ing played, the strength with which the note or key is hit (known as 'VELOCITY'), the length of time
which the note is held down for and the point at which the note is released.
It also memorizes the movements you make on the dials and wheels of the Sirius, such as the Pitch
Bender or the EG-MACROS. When you replay your 'recording' the sequencer will play back the
same keys you pressed during the time of the recording. In a way, the sequencer invisibly repeats
your performance in every tiny detail.
You can also record MIDI-information ( for notes and controllers) which comes into the Sirius from
an external Midi device via the MIDI-in socket. In the appendix of this manual you will find a table
showing you which information the sequencer is able to record from an external device.
The recorded songs stay stored even after you switch off the Sirius. The Sirius has a small
battery supplying the storage block with power - this will have to be replaced after some years. Infor-
mation on the battery and storage protection can be found in the chapter "Important Notes" at the be-
ginning of this manual.
The sequencer in the Sirius is a 7-track-sequencer:
This means up to 7 different tunes (motifs) can be played simultaneously. Every part of the Sirius
(bass-drum, snare-drum, hihat, percussion set, synth-1, snyth-2, synth-3) is given its own track. Don't
forget, the percussion track can play 12 different instruments at once (effectively giving you a maxi-
mum of 18 instruments playing at the same time).
What is a Sequencer?
What does the sequencer record?
How is the sequencer configured?
PERCUSSION-Instrument 1
PERCUSSION-Instrument 2
PERCUSSION-Instrument 3
PERCUSSION-Instrument 4
PERCUSSION-Instrument 5
PERCUSSION-Instrument 6
PERCUSSION-Instrument 7
PERCUSSION-Instrument 8
PERCUSSION-Instrument 9
PERCUSSION-Instrument 10
PERCUSSION-Instrument 11
PERCUSSION-Instrument 12
ercussion-Set :
See page 126