Changing Sound banks and Sound programmes with MIDI:
The sounds of the Sirius are systematically put in order in banks containing 96 sound programmes
each. For example: If you have composed a song on your sequencer software, and you want to
switch to a different sound within the song, you can switch these banks and programmes using MIDI.
We will explain how this is done using Cubase as an example, as here there are one or two things
which need particular attention and care.
In our first example we want to select the synthesizer sound programme B48 of the Sirius for a com-
plete Cubase track. In our case this is track no. 5 called "Synth-1". We assume that you have not yet
created a Cubase-part, so settings apply to the complete track.
In this diagram pay particular attention to the trackinfo-box at the left of the display. If this box is miss-
ing press the button in the bottom left corner of the Cubase-window. The trackinfo-box will then ap-
pear. In our example only the windows "Bank" and "Prog" are important. In window "Bank" you enter
the value for the bank number of the Sirius. In window "Prog" enter the sound number.
Now you will ask why you have to enter the value 256 for the B-Bank. This is a peculiarity of Cubase
which in other sequencer programmes is dealt with a little more elegantly. There is however a certain
system behind this which is explained in the table below. The values for the column in the Cubase
display must be entered into the window "Bank" of the trackinfo-box in order to select the relevant
banks of the Sirius.
Example 1:
The Sirius and MIDI
This is the
track-info box
Here you
enter the
Bank number
Here you enter
the Sound
Here you can
switch the
Track info-box
on and off
To change the Synth-
sound banks of the
Sirius with MIDI you
have to enter the
following values in