Unpacking and connecting
2.) Connecting the Sirius to a mixing desk:
3.) Connecting the Sirius to an amplifier:
4.) Operating the Sirius with headphones:
If you are connecting the Sirius to a mixing desk you must use the LINE INPUTS. The microphone in-
puts of most mixing desks are unsuitable for connection to the Sirius - the high output level will
cause distortion. Most microphone inputs are also equipped with XLR sockets which are only very
rarely used for connecting instruments. (By the way, the microphone input on the front panel of the
Sirius is a XLR socket.)
Before you attempt to make any audio connections turn all your equipment off. Then connect the
two audio outputs of the Sirius (AUDIO-LEFT/RIGHT, located on the rear panel) to two of the inputs
on the mixing desk. Turn the MASTER-VOLUME control of the Sirius to maximum and the GAIN-
CONTROL (sometimes referred to as "INPUT SENSITIVITY") of the mixing desk to MINIMUM. The
TONE CONTROL (or "EQUALISATION") of the mixing desk should be in the same position on both
channels. You are best-off choosing a neutral setting for the tone control / equalisation (if possible,
the tone control or equalisation should be switched out) so that the sound of the Sirius will not be
The pan control of the two channels should be set to the exact opposite of each other:
left channel -> hard left, right channel -> hard right) in order to hear true stereo. Should your mix-
ing desk have stereo inputs, these settings are already made.
Slide the stereo mix faders of the mixing desk back to MINIMUM.
Now turn on first the Sirius and then the mixing desk. Press both the demo Keys of the Sirius at the
same time (located below the large round VALUE/TEMPO-dial on the right of the front panel) and
chose a demo song using one of the Number-Keys marked 1-16, which you will find directly above
the Keyboard.
Set the Gain control of the mixing desk so that the level showing on the channels' individual level me-
ters is below the peak level (if the meters are "in the red", the level is too high and distortion will oc-
cur!). If your mixing desk does not have individual level meters for each channel, turn up the stereo
mix faders (master level faders) of the desk so you are able to hear any distortion which may be oc-
curring and turn down the GAIN control accordingly. Instead of a gain control some desks only give a
choice between LINE and MIC sensitivity. In this case turn the input selector to LINE. Should even
the smallest gain setting of the mixing desk result in distortion, turn down both the MASTER-
VOLUME and OVERBLAST controls on the Sirius respectively. Generally you should always choose
the highest possible setting of your sound source (in this case the Sirius) and turn down the mixing
desk accordingly to achieve the optimum sound to noise ratio. Once the mixing desk been cali-
brated to the Sirius you can set the stereo mix faders of your mixing desk to your preferred setting.
Should you wish to connect your Sirius to an instrument or Keyboard amplifier you should firstly turn
all the equipment off. Then connect the Sirius' audio outputs (AUDIO-LEFT/RIGHT, located on the
rear panel) to the audio inputs of your amplifier.
Turn the volume control and, if there is one, gain control on your amplifier to minium and the MAIN-
VOLUME control on the Sirius to maximum. Switch on the Sirius first and then the amplifier.
On the Sirius press both demo Keys simultaneously (they are located on the right of the front panel
directly below the large round VALUE/TEMPO- dial) and choose a demo song from the Number-
Keys 1-16, which you will find directly above the Keyboard. Carefully adjust the gain control of the
amplifier to just below the level where distortion occurs. Then adjust the overall volume of the am-
plifier to the desired setting.
The Sirius has a headphone output on the far right of the front panel.
Should you use headphones please note that extensive blasting of your eardrums can result
in permanent damage to your hearing.
In this case it is necessary to see a doctor.
The headphones should have an impedance of at least 32 ohm.