Layer 2,3,IPv6+QoS Switch
Layer 2,3,IPv6+QoS Network Switch User Manual Version 0.1
Page: 211/970
secure-session hard-timeout will return to default value, default value is 24.
ip http secure-session hard-timeout<hard-timeout>
no ip http secure-session hard-timeout
Default Setting
Command Mode
Global Config
http session soft-timeout
This command configures the soft timeout for un-secure HTTP sessions in minutes.
Configuring this value to zero will give an infinite soft-timeout. When this timeout expires the
user will be forced to re-authenticate. This timer begins on initiation of the Web session and is
re-started with each access to the switch. User the ip http session soft-timeout<0-60>
command to configure the switch, command no ip http session soft-timeout will return to
default value, default value is 5.
ip http session soft-timeout<soft-timeout>
no ip http session soft-timeout
Default Setting
Command Mode
Global Config
http secure-session soft-timeout
This command configures the soft timeout for secure HTTP sessions in minutes. Configuring
this value to zero will give an infinite soft-timeout. When this timeout expires, you are forced to
re-authenticate. This timer begins on initiation of the Web session and is re-started with each
access to the switch. The secure-session soft-timeout can not be set to zero (infinite). User the
ip http secure-session soft-timeout<1-60> command to configure the switch, command no
ip http secure-session soft-timeout will return to default value, default value is 5.