FIG 28
FIG 29
FIG 30
FIG 31
FIG 32
FIG 33
FIG 34
FIG 35
Step 5: Installing the Header/Deck Fabric Fabric to the Center Bow
With the help of a friend, locate the completed header assembly created in Step
and place this assem-
bly over the windshield with
the header on the windshield and
the two “header legs” towards the rear of
the vehicle. The over door Bow
legs should fit inside the Door surrounds (Figs 34 & 35). Line the quick
release knobs on the header legs up with the Center bow mounting hole (Fig 36) and attach the quick
release knuckles to the center bow (Fig 37). Repeat on other side of vehicle. With the over door bows
mounted to the center bow, drape the fabric attached to the front header back towards the rear of the
vehicle as shown in Fig
(next page).
FIG 37
FIG 36
Step 4: Install Center Bow to the Vehicle: Continued
With a friend, place the bow assembly over the roll bar and line up the assembly to the upper
mount bracket (Fig 29) that
was installed in step
. The center bow should be towards the rear of
vehicle as shown in Fig 28.Line up the Quick release knuckle
on the bow assembly
with the upper bow
mount bracket
attachment and attach each side of the center bow assembly to the bracket (Figs 30, 31
& 32). Repeat
on other side of vehicle.