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The Trusted Source



Remove the front loop of the of the
check strap from the retaining hook.
(FIG3) Then, open the door and be
careful not to allow it to open too far.
(FIG4) This could cause the mirror to
impact and dent the hood cowl.

Remove the Inner door panel. Consult
our how- to video at
(Search for 14018.1213) for more details.

Using a T30 torx bit. Remove the two
bolts that attach the footman loop to
the door. (FIG5)

Adjustable Door Check Strap Installation: 

Put on safety glasses. Locate the worn
factory check strap. (FIG1)

Disconnect the door harness from under-
neath the dashboard/kickpanel. (FIG2)

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

JK_CHECK_STRAP_INST_LTR.qxp_DB  10/18/17  2:56 PM  Page 3

