Safety, Operation & Service
Page 10
February 17, 2004
Operating and Safety Instructions
Note: Spring washers must be stacked exactly as
shown. A spacer may be included in the spring stack
and must be installed under the bottom washer
against the spring case. Align the bore of the spring
washers to clear the 7/8" O.D. of the spindle.
An automatic in-line filter-lubricator is highly
recommended. This will supply the tool with clean,
lubricated air; keep it in sustained operation; and
increase tool life.
The in-line lubricator should be regularly checked and
filled with a good grade of 10W machine oil. In the
event an in-line lubricator is not used, the tool should
be disconnected from the air supply several times
daily and several drops of oil poured into the tool's air
inlet bushing.
The right angle drill head should receive a generous
amount of "Lubriplate #907" grease every fifteen (15)
to twenty-five (25) hours of "actual motor running"
time through the two (2) flush type grease fittings in
the right angle housing. "Lubriplate # 907" may be
purchased in a 5 gallon can using Part No. 107210.
Tool Maintenance and Pressure Test Equipment
Kit 381273 is available and can be used for some
trouble shooting.
Air control system filter 382505 located in the handle
382480 should be replaced every 2000 drilling cycles
or when low air control system pressure is suspected.
Spindle threads should be blown clean and lubricated
every 100 drilling cycles.
Remove the side hose assembly. Clamp the drill head
in vise and loosen lockring 619421. Unscrew and
remove power unit. Remove shear pin. Unscrew one
(1) 6-32 x 1 (7/64" hex) socket head cap screw
382539 and two (2) 1/4-20 x 2-1/4 (3/6" hex) socket
head screws 867839. Clamp drill head in upright posi-
tion in vise. Insert finger in spindle feed gear to pre-
vent the eighteen (18) 7/32" balls 842160 from being
lost when removing upper block assembly. Remove
upper block assembly. Remove gear holder 382557.
Unscrew the two (2) 1/4-20 x 7/8 (3/1 6" hex) socket
head cap screws 865123 and remove the housing
cover 382582 or 382591. Gears will come out with
housing cover.
—Unscrew and remove the
lock ring 619421. Clamp the flats of the internal gear
case 382590 in the vise and unscrew the motor hous-
ing 382509. Remove the spider assembly from the
gear case. Remove the rear ball bearing 613281.
Remove the three (3) idler gear pins and gears. Hold
a large hex wrench or similar tool on the side of the
spider and clamp in the vise. Heat the spider and
bevel pinion to approximately 300°F. Insert a suitable
pin thru the hole in the pinion 382461 and unscrew the
pinion. Use Tool Maintenance and Pressure Test
Equipment Kit 381273 for easier disassembly.
—Unscrew and remove the
lock ring 619421. Clamp the flats of the internal gear
case 382590 in the vise and unscrew the motor hous-
ing 382509. Unscrew and remove the internal gear
and housing 617369. Remove the rear ball bearing
613281 from both spiders. Remove the six (6) idler
gear pins and gears. Hold a large hex wrench or sim-
ilar tool on the side of the second reduction spider and
clamp in the vise. Heat the spider and bevel pinion to
approximately 300°F. Insert a suitable pin thru the hole
in the pinion 382461 and unscrew the pinion. Use
Tool Maintenance and Pressure Test Equipment Kit
381273 for easier disassembly.
SEE PAGES 14 - 17
Clamp the handle in a vise with the motor housing
upwards. Unscrew both the motor housing 382509
and the turnbuckle collar 382508 in unison from the
handle. Tap motor and motor housing on wooden
bench top to remove motor unit. Hold either the pinion
gear 617609 or rotor nut 382522 and unscrew (left
hand threads) the governor assembly. Remove the
rear bearing 864522, bearing plate 867369, cylinder
867377, and three (3) rotor blades 382520. Note:
Check the function of the rotor blade kickout pins at
this time. Blades should stick out approximately 1/8".