Avoid Constant Low Speed
When the engine is running at a constant low speed, the components
will be polished well but will not be fitted well. You may engage to different
gears to speed up, provided that the above speed limits are not exceeded.
However, during the first 1,600 km, never turn the throttle to the maximum
Let the Engine Oil Circulate before Riding
After the engine has been started, no matter cold or warm, let the engine
run at idle speed for an adequate period of time before adding any load, so that
the engine oil can flow to each of the important components.
To Carry Out the First Maintenance
The maintenance after the first 1,000-km of mileage is of uttermost
importance to your motorcycle. At the time of running-in, all the components
of engine are run in, and all the other parts are also engaged. All the necessary
adjustments, tightening and replacement of contaminated gear oil should be
done in time.
The timely maintenance after the first 1,000-km will contribute to a long
lifetime and good performances.
The maintenance after the first 1,000-km should be carried out in
accordance with MAITENANCE SCHEDULE of this manual. Pay
special attention to the WARNING and CAUTION in the section.