E n g l i s h
440 Church Road
Avondale, Pennsylvania 19311 USA
+1 610-268-0585
+1 610-268-0588
NOTE: Prior to first use of the oven, the oven must complete a Testing Cycle. Refer to Section II,
and follow the directions to complete the Testing Cycle.
Inspect the oven and cables prior to each use.
WARNING: Refer to the applicable Instructions for Use or Product Guide and User Manual for the
specific thermoplastic material in use. Follow all warnings, precautions and instructions for use
contained within the thermoplastic user manual.
Press the ON/OFF button to power on the oven. Choose either the Manual Mode or Program Mode
instructions as indicated below.
Manual Mode
When the Program Indicator (P01, P02, etc.)
stops flashing
, press the INCREASE or DECREASE button to
set the desired temperature.
The light will flash next to the TEMPERATURE icon.
Press the TIMER button. The light will flash next to the TIMER icon. Press the INCREASE or DECREASE
button to set desired heating time.
Press START/STOP to begin the preheat cycle. The display will flash “PrH” for PREHEATING. Jump to
“Preheat Cycle” section.
Before changing the temperature, verify the light next to the TEMPERATURE icon is flashing.
Before changing the heating time, verify the light next to the TIMER icon is flashing.
Program Mode
Refer to Section VII, PROGRAMMING THE OVEN, for instructions for inputting custom programs into
the oven memory.
While the Program Indicator (P01, P02, etc.)
is flashing
, press the INCREASE or DECREASE button until
the desired Program is selected.
Press START/STOP to begin the preheat cycle.
The display will indicate the last memorized program by flashing P01 (Program 1), P02 (Program
2), etc. If the display stops flashing before the desired program has been selected, press the “P” button
and press the INCREASE or DECREASE button until the desired program has been selected.
Preheat Cycle
At the end of the preheat cycle, the oven will display PrH READY until the door is opened.
Softening Cycle
Once the oven completes the preheat cycle and reaches the preset temperature, the oven is ready to
begin the thermoplastic softening process. Place the thermoplastic mask (or bolus) onto the mesh
liner. Using the mesh liner as a transfer sheet, insert the thermoplastic mask (or bolus) into the oven
by placing the mesh liner onto the oven rack.
: Place the bottom edge of the mask frame towards
the back of the oven. The bottom edge of the mask should align to the back edge of the oven rack. The
head of the mask should align to the front edge of the oven rack in the front of the oven.