Pi HSC816 Installation Manual - Revision Beta
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Motherboard layout:
AC +……………..AC input maximum 16.5V 40va
AC -
………………Negative to be taken from any negative
(Earth) ................ This
be connected to building earth were possible, alternately to mains earth
AUX 12V ............ 12V + to peripherals i.e. IR detectors, beams, etc. (Fused at 1 amp)
AUX NEG……….Negative to be taken from any negative or common.
Siren - ................ Negative to siren (Fused at 3 amps) and supervised. See note below
Siren + ............... Positive to siren
Panic + ............... Panic input
EOL resistor 2K7
Panic - ............... Panic input
EOL resistor 2K7
KEYPAD R + ...... (Red)
KEYPAD Y ......... Keypad data (Yellow)
KEYPAD G ........ Keypad data (Green)
KEYPAD B - ....... Keypad
– (Black)
Tamper .............. Tamper input NO to Negative
NEG ................... Negative 12v output
TRIG O/P 4 ........ Trigger output 4
TRIG O/P 3 ........ Trigger output 3
TRIG O/P 2 ....... Trigger output 2
TRIG O/P 1 ....... Trigger output 1
ZONE 1 .............. Zone 1 input
EOL resistor 2K7
C ........................ Common
ZONE 2 .............. Zone 2 input
EOL resistor 2K7
ZONE 3 .............. Zone 3 input
EOL resistor 2K7
C ....................... Common
ZONE 4 ............. Zone 4 input
EOL resistor 2K7
ZONE 5 ............. Zone 5 input
EOL resistor 2K7
C ....................... Common
ZONE 6 ............. Zone 6 input
EOL resistor 2K7
ZONE 7 ............. Zone 7 input
EOL resistor 2K7
C ....................... Common
ZONE 8 ............. Zone 8 input
EOL resistor 2K7
Buss R…………...Peripheral bus positive
Buss B…………...Peripheral bus negative
Buss G…………...Peripheral bus data (green)
Buss Y…………...Peripheral bus data (yellow)
The siren output is supervised against an open loop. If no siren is to be used a 2K7 ohm resistor must
be used to strap out the siren.
The siren tamper will cause an error to be displayed on all keypads. Entering * 4 will display the error