HSC505 - E 8-32 Zone LCD Home Security Controller - Installation Manual
Page 14
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Testing detector Tamper conditions
1) Press the function button until the RX led lights
2) Open a detector tamper
3) The zone led will flash and the tamper trigger will change state
4) Close the detector tamper
5) The zone led will go off and the tamper trigger returns to -12volts
6) Repeat step 2 for the rest of the detectors
Testing or identifying a codex remote
1) Press the function button until TX led lights
2) Press a button on the Codex remote
3) Leds 1- 8 will light to indicate the remote number and the panel will respond with the function of the
4) Repeat step 2 for any other remotes to be tested or identified
Checking the bus identification
1) Press the function button until TX and RX leds light
2) Led 1-3 will flash indicating the bus address
3) Led 1
– Zones 9-16
Led 2
– Zones 17-24
Led 3
– Zones 25-32
Detector supervision (1 hour)
In the event that a detector fails 4 consecutive test signals, trigger 1 will switch to positive triggering the zone
selected as supervision and the corresponding zone led will light. The HSC 505E will display the zone as
This zone will have to be by-passed to arm the system.
Detector low Battery condition
In the event of a detector having a low battery, trigger 3 will switch to positive triggering the zone selected as
low battery. The zone number will be indicated on the QE920 with the AC/BAT led.
Replace the battery and on the next transmission this condition will be reset.
Figure 2
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