Test the spray pattern and atomization
on a test piece. Hold about 20cm (8
inches) away. Turn the Pattern Adjustor
knob for the desired pattern.
Adjust the Speed Control knob on
the turbine to control the air volume.
Generally, it is best to use the minimum
a i r v o l u m e w h i c h w i l l a c h i e v e
satisfactory atomization. The point is to
get the droplet size as small as possible
while still having the desired coverage.
Too much air will only cause overspray
mist and waste paint. If the Speed
Control knob is at maximum and the
atomization is still not satisfactory, the
atomization can also be controlled by
thinning the paint. One can also use a
different fluid set ( the needle, nozzle
and air cap).
the proper consistency is found. Droplets off
the stir stick should be about one second
Universal motors, like the one used in this
turbine, by their nature create sparks at the
commutator. Whenever spraying flammable
media, keep the turbine at least 6 meters (20
feet) away from the spraying area.
Ensure that all protective clothing and
safety devices are in place and Fill the
paint cup.
Allow the turbine to warm up by
turning it on for a few minutes before
beginning spraying. (This will make
adjusting the gun easier).
Adjust the gun on a test surface, then
begin spraying
Adusting the Gun
The gun will normally need to be adjusted
before each use. This is similar to tuning a
musical instrument before playing it.
First adjust the Fluid Control Knob. Turn
anti-clockwise for more fluid, clockwise
for less fluid. A good starting point
would be about 2-1/2 turns out from
Fluid flow control knob
Pattern adjuster