User’s manual of remote client software Set preset
Click “preset” to enter into the preset setup interface,
Add preset: after adjust PTZ, select the number of the preset that is not setup. Click “Add”,
popup “preset name” show as Fig 2.4.9, input name and click “OK”, this name will be add in the
Modify preset: select a preset that is exist in the list, click “modify” and an interface will
popup (Fig 2.4.9); input the preset name, click “OK” to finish modify.
Delete preset: select a preset in the list that is exist already, click “delete” to finish.
Fig 2.4.7 Fig 2.4.8 Fig 2.4.9 Setup sequence
On the right side of client software main interface, right click camera name, in the popup
right menu shown as Fig 2.4.10.
Input corresponding parameters, Click “add” to add sequence number.
Click “OK” button to setup sequence time and sequence speed.
Click “delete” button to delete sequence number.
Notice: you must make sure whether the PTZ has this function first before configure.
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