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Fig. 5 - Switch interlocking
Press the switch in to put the jigsaw into operation.
The switch can be interlocked with the interlocking
knob. This is done as follows:
1. Press the switch in.
2. Keep the switch pressed in and press the interlocking
knob in (Fig. 5).
The jigsaw will now continue to run.
8. Release both switches.
Release the interlocking by pressing the switch in again.
To keep the work surface clean, the jigsaw is equipped
with a connection for dust extraction. You can connect
your vacuum cleaner to this. Use the vacuum cleaner
adapter supplied for this.
The jigsaw is fitted with a guard. Make sure that this guard
is closed as much as possible while the jigsaw is in use.
This gives the best protection against splinters and ensu-
res optimum dust extraction.
1. Switch on the jigsaw.
2. Place the bottom plate of the appliance on the work-
3. Move slowly towards the previously drawn sawing
line and press the jigsaw forward slowly.
Press the bottom plate firmly against the workpiece.
If you do not do this the jigsaw is likely to vibrate and
the saw will break.
Let the saw do the work. Do not press too hard on
the jigsaw.
Fig. 6 - Cutting in
If the starting position of the workpiece to be sawn is not
the side, or if no hole has been drilled, you must cut in. To
do this, proceed as follows:
1. Put the saw on the rounded front of the bottom plate
(Fig. 6).
2. Switch on the appliance and slowly lower the saw
until it touches the workpiece.
3. Let the saw cut into the workpiece gently without
forcing it.
4. When you are through the workpiece, take the saw
out of the hole.
5. Place the appliance in the normal position in the sawn
hole and continue the saw cut.
You can also cut in by first drilling a hole in the workpiece.
To do this, use a bit that makes a hole big enough for the
saw blade. Now you can carry out the steps described
under 'Sawing'.