PureAire Monitoring Systems, Inc.
5.5 Entering the Menus
The Universal Gas Detector is supplied with main menus with sub menus to adjust mA outputs, alarm
relay settings, sensor adjustments and zero suppression for toxic and corrosive gas sensor cells.
5.5.1 Set 4-20mA loop
This main menu will permit the adjusting of the 4mA and 20mA output from the
Universal Gas Detector. It also provides a function that will send an actual output
between 4mA and 20 mA to test any remote control and alarm system attached to the
To read the mA output, Universal Gas Detector monitor must either be
connected to a remote PLC controller or SCADA system. You can also connect the
Universal Gas Detector to a volt meter to read the mA output. Please consult PureAire
for more information.
From this main menu, pushing the joystick to the right will select the sub menu and the
digital display will scroll the following:
This is the menu at which to adjust the 4mA output being sent from the Universal Gas
Detector. To change the 4 mA output, push the joystick right to display the 4 mA Zero
setting. The display will indicate a value between 0 and 255 counts. Pushing the
joystick up increases the value and pushing the joystick down decreases the value. The
4mA output being sent from the Universal Gas Detector will change as the number on
the digital display changes. Push the joystick left once to enter the setting.
Pushing the joystick to the left also brings you back to the pervious Main menu. The
digital display will scroll the following:
Push the joystick down to access the next sub menu;
Set 20mA Span will scroll.
.Set 4-20mA loop..
0.0 ppm
..Set 4mA Zero…
0.0 ppm
0.0 ppm
...Set 4mA zero…..
0.0 ppm
...Set 20mA Span…
0.0 ppm