R e c e i v i n g Yo u r E q u i p m e n t
0 3
0 5
A common carrier will be delivering your PURE WATER TECHNOLOGY product.
Upon receipt you should check the following.
Are the systems still on the pallet?
Count the number of boxes you are signing for.
Is there any obvious damage to the product or the boxes?
If there are any discrepancies or obvious damage to the equipment or boxes,
please note it on the “Bill of Lading” and/or refuse shipment.
After receiving the equipment from the carrier, remove packaging and inspect for
any hidden freight damage. If freight damage has occurred, call the freight
company and PURE WATER TECHNOLOGY customer service (877-594-7873) to
report the damage. Photograph all damages to be submitted with claim. THIS
MUST BE DONE WITHIN 24-48 HOURS OF DELIVERY. If not reported within 2 busi
ness days, PURE WATER TECHNOLOGY and/or carrier will not be responsible for
replacement or repair.
Manual de Servicio PW90 CT Página 5 de 25
Pure Water Technology SAPI de C.V. (2022) Todos los derechos reservados