Owner’s Reference
DirectStream DAC
©2014 PS Audio Inc. All rights reserved.
4826 Sterling Drive, Boulder, CO 80301
Rev A
PH: 720.406.8946 [email protected] www.psaudio.com
DirectStream is entirely DSD based, even for PCM inputs. DSD was chosen as the
core engine for this instrument for a number of compelling reasons:
DSD is simple to convert to analog: just low pass fi lter it.
DSD is inherently linear: it’s hard to build a PCM DAC that always takes
the same sized step in the output for any possible unit increment of the
representative PCM voltage value. The best PCM technology for linearity
is arguably a resistor ladder, then all steps are at least positive for a
positive change in the input, but making resistors that are accurate to one
part in 2
is hard and to one part in 2
very hard. DSD doesn’t need
anywhere near this level of component matching.
DSD soft clips when overdriven, more like magnetic tape: signals which
exceed the nominal full scale value only get slightly compressed if at
all. With PCM you either have fl at tops which induce extra energy at the
squared off edges or, worse, you can have wrap around, which is very
All bits in a DSD stream have the same weight: a single bit error anywhere
is barely measurable let alone audible. Some bits in PCM carry a lot of
weight and would make a very loud pop if changed. PCM needs more
error recovery to keep to a given signal to noise ratio (S/N) with a slightly
corrupted digital signal.
Ironically, most sanely priced PCM players actually use DAC chips that
utilize a sigma-delta modulator (DSD) to get a DSD-like signal anyway.
Similarly many (most) A/Ds are sigma-delta based. The typical PCM
path is analog -> DSD -> PCM -> disc -> PCM -> DSD -> analog. The
DSD path can skip the conversions to PCM. Those conversions can’t be
perfect and artifacts of the steep anti-aliasing fi lter or the reconstruction
fi lter aren’t considered benign by many.
DirectStream handles the PCM conversion from AES/EBU, S/PDIF,
S and USB without recovering a clock, by simply watching for
the edges and making decisions about what they mean in context. The
result is that any jitter present on the input is lost entirely in the FPGA.
There is no difference in TOSLINK or I
S because the output clock’s rate
only depends on the long term average rate of the inputs not on any edge
or other local feature.
Why DSD?