Provape Provari Radius Owner'S Manual Download Page 23



To make changes to the Check All function, visit the menu SET > DIS > TIME. You will have a 
number of options where you can adjust the Check All Screen. 











The Radius has a warning system that alerts you about a problem. 

Anytime there is an issue that needs attention, this icon will appear on the status screen. 










In this example, the device is detecting OP (Open) meaning there is no 
atomizer installed or the atomizer is burned out. Making a correction to fix 
the problem will automatically reset this warning. If you want to know more 
details about this warning and how to fix the problem, you can get the 

details by going to the main menu (4 button presses). As the menu scrolls past the various 
icons, you will notice at the end of the scrolling icons there is a matching warning symbol that 
appears before the exit. 













Click the button on this new menu item and the Radius will tell you what the problem is and how 
to fix it. 






Note that after you fix the problem, this temporary menu item will go away and return to the 
normal set of menu icons. 



Summary of Contents for Provari Radius

Page 1: ...also provides a flavor and physical sensation similar to that of inhaled tobacco smoke Vaporizers do not contain tar and have just a few ingredients compared to several thousand found in traditional cigarettes There is no tobacco or combustion involved in its operation There is no ash and no smell Vaping is the 21st century alternative to smoking tobacco products Just please keep in mind that pers...

Page 2: ... Radius 拥有一个功能强大的微处理器 叫 ProVape 原子芯片 这可以让用户通过对功率以及其它参数的调节 对这款设备进行精细设置 满足个人的喜好 我们将在本手册的后面解释如何调节这些参数 ProVari Radius 采用了最 新的技术 给您带来了一些新的和令人兴奋的功能 ProVari Radius 具有调节功率输出的功能 无论剩余电量是多少能 够让您的每口烟都保持恒定的电压或功率 随着电池的消耗 设备的功率输出会保持不变 以确保您整天都可以享受完 美的烟雾 现在您就可以对烟油仓 雾化器及电子烟油进行设置 使之达到完美的状态 Please note that due to ongoing software updates improvements and changes based on customer feedback some of the features or scr...

Page 3: ...Warnings 29 目录 介绍 1 警告 4 ProVari Radius 功能 4 ProVari Radius 功能详情 8 ProVari Radius 结构 13 ProVari Radius 适配器 15 电池 15 使用标准充电器充电 16 使用内置充电器充电 16 安装电池 17 菜单流程图 19 按钮 20 屏幕布局 21 检查全部 状态屏幕 22 警告系统 23 菜单选项及功能 25 省钱计数 香烟计数 38 错误信息及修复措施 40 错误信息详情 40 Radius 能量计 42 其它警告 29 ...

Page 4: ...e recommend you start with a low wattage setting and work your way up until you find the right power setting for your atomizer tank Provape 对雾化器或烟油仓的损坏不负责任 过高功率下长时间工作或烧干都可以将它们烧坏 我们建议 刚开始使用时 采用一个较低的瓦数设置 然后才逐步提高功率直到找到适合您雾化器 烟油仓的设置 NEVER use primary or non rechargeable batteries in this device Only use recommended high drain rechargeable batteries If you are unsure about which batteries to use please...

Page 5: ...k medical attention immediately 如果电池发生变形 泄漏或发出奇怪的气味 要将其妥善处理 如果触摸了泄漏的电池 要洗手 不要让 电池液体溅入眼里 如果不慎溅入眼里 要立即就医 Never use your ProVari Radius without an atomizer Do not connect to a volt meter without a resistive load High voltages without a resistance can damage the device and will void your warranty 永远不要在没有安装雾化器的时候使用 ProVari Radius 不可在无阻性负载的情况下接到电压表 无电阻 情况下 高压会损坏设备并导致保修条款失效 Do not pour alcohol into the P...

Page 6: ... visually adjust your settings 内置密封的 OLED 显示屏具有滚动的图标 方便您调节设置 Three button design allows you to quickly adjust your power settings with the buttons 三个按键的设计让您能够通过 按键快速地调节功率设置 Each device has a unique eighteen digit serial number 每个设备都有唯一的 18 位序列号 A translucent seven color lighted push button acts as a low battery alert and allows you to select from seven color choices when the button is pressed Ther...

Page 7: ...critical settings at a quick glance with one button press adjustable setting 检查全部模式让用户在按一下按钮后就可以快速了解所有的关键设置 可调设置 Save profile Save all of your favorite settings into 5 available memory slots for quick recall Your settings will stay intact even if your battery is removed and or the unit is updated 保存配置文件 将您喜爱的设置保存在 5 个可用的内存插槽 以便快速调用 即使更换电池或设备更新也 不会影响你的配置文件 Scroll speed adjust allows the user to sel...

Page 8: ...ttery that cannot handle the power output it will limit the output to something that is safe Please note that due to safety being our number one concern there are limits set to prevent a dangerous situation 如果 Radius 检测到电池不能达到功率输出设定 它会将输出限制在安全的范围 请注意 安全是我们首要 关注的 各种限制是用来预防危险情况的 ProVari Radius Feature Details ProVari Radius 功能详情 The ProVari Radius wattage can be adjusted from 3 40 in 0 2 watt increm...

Page 9: ...ore the device and don t want it to accidentally turn on while it s in your pocket or purse Anytime a new battery is installed the device will default to ON mode even if the device was previously turned off On Off 开 关 模式可让您可以完全关闭设备 当您想存放设备时 不希望它在您的口袋或钱包里不小心 打开 该功能就很有用了 每次安装新电池都会让设备恢复到默认模式 开 ON 即使该设备先前是处于关 闭状态 The safety cutoff turns off the unit if the button is held down for too long This safety ...

Page 10: You will notice that this percentage will adjust as you change settings and it s perfectly normal for it to go back up as the battery recovers between uses When you first insert your battery you will see two question marks This simply indicates the Radius is evaluating the battery and after 1 2 puffs it will update the status of the battery When the battery runs out the device will alert you ...

Page 11: ...tomizer is not installed or there is a problem with the atomizer you will get an OP reading meaning OPEN The device does not see the atomizer installed when this appears Try changing out the coil or atomizer and try again The check all menu can be turned off and you can also adjust the amount of time it appears on your screen every time you press the button once See below for how to change these s...

Page 12: ...s of the display Note that with OLED technology if you set the brightness all the way to high the display won t last as long as if it s turned down While we expect you to get many years of enjoyment out of the ProVari Radius this setting can affect the life of the internal display OLED 的亮度调节可以调整显示屏的亮度 需要注意的是如果亮度调到最高 显示屏寿命的持续时间会比 低亮度的短 虽然我们希望 ProVari Radius 能够给您带来很多年的享受 高亮度可能会影响内置显示屏的 寿命 Reverse ba...

Page 13: ...烟油仓内的加热元件来产生烟雾 该按钮也用于调节 ProVari Radius 的用户设置 两个小按钮是用来改变电源设置的 关闭 开启设备和锁定 解锁的快捷键组合都要用到这两个小按钮 在后面的篇章里有详细描述 Main Body 3 主体 3 The End Plate 4 is removed to install the battery The Radius was designed to be charged and updated through the Micro USB port 7 Should you ever need to change the battery it is accessed by removing the End Plate 拆开后盖 4 后放置电池 要小心避免将后盖螺纹错扣拧进烟管里 Radius 是可以通过微 USB 接口 7 来充电和更新的 如果需要...

Page 14: ...14 USB Charging and PC software updates 7 This MicroUSB port is used to charge your device and update the internal software as new updates are available USB 充电和 PC 软件更新 7 这个微 USB 端口是用来充电和更新可用的内部软件的 ...

Page 15: ...ead standard with the P3 future innovations can be adapted for use on the Provari as well 这个 P3 接口不仅比市场上其它附着系统更结实 更可靠 它还能通过专门设计的适配器接到市面上几乎所 有的雾化器 烟油仓或雾化烟弹 通 P3 这个新的接口标准 未来的新发明也可连接到 Provari 上使用了 Batteries 电池 We recommend you only use IMR high drain batteries in this device This will give you the full range of output power needed to use the device Only use approved batteries Always feel free to cont...

Page 16: 电池正在充电时 充电器的 LED 指示灯会发红光 The LED on the charger will glow green when the batteries are charged This could vary depending on the charger that you purchased 电池充满后 充电器的 LED 指示灯会发绿光 根据您所购买充电器的不同 可能会有些变化 Do not attempt to charge other types of batteries in the battery charger The ProVari uses a special kind of battery Only use approved rechargeable cells NEVER use alkaline batteries and never try to...

Page 17: ...eed to replace the battery however it can be easily serviced at home On the bottom of the unit there are two thumb screws Remove these two screws and the bottom plate can be removed Once the plate is removed you will have access to removing the battery and installing a new cell Note there is a small metal tab that sits between the battery and the spring Once the new battery is installed make sure ...

Page 18: to contact us or visit the retail location where you purchased your device To contact ProVape visit www ProVape com and click on the Contact Us link 如果您有任何疑问或您的 ProVari Radius 出现了故障 请随时与我们联系或访问您购买设备的零售点 如 果要联系 ProVape 请访问 www ProVape com 并点击链接 联系我们 Copyright 2015 ProVape Inc ...

Page 19: ...模式 Right Handed 右手模式 OFF 5 Seconds 5秒 10 Seconds 10秒 20 Seconds 20秒 Exit 退出 ON Selected 选择开 OFF Selected 选择关 LED On Off Toggle LED开关切换 LED COLOR LED颜色 Red 红 Green 绿 Blue 蓝 Aqua 蓝绿 Yellow 黄 Pink 粉红 White 白 Exit 退出 SET 设置 Random 随机 SET 设置 SAV 保存 DIS 显示 LED BOOST 增强 Exit 退出 Version Serial 版本 序列号 1 Seconds 1秒 Cigarette Counter 香烟 计数 Money Saved 节省金额 Cigs Avoided 少抽香烟 Price Per Pack 每包价格 Puff Count 喷雾计...

Page 20: ...功能是开启 关闭设备 锁定能量设置 On Off Atomizer Turning the atomizer on off is done by holding all three buttons down at the same time for 3 seconds Every time you hold these three buttons the device will toggle back and forth between ON and OFF You can also hold down all three buttons to continuously cycle between On Off In the event you will be storing the device in a pocket or purse and you do not want the f...

Page 21: ...ymbol The device will still fire when the main button is pressed you just won t be able to change power settings 当设备被锁定后 这两个按钮将不能对能量进行调节 除非设备被解锁 当设备被锁定时 任何时候您按 下按钮 屏幕上会显示出锁定的图标 按下主按钮时 该设备会正常工作 您只是将无法更改能量设置 Screen Layout 屏幕布局 You can enter the main menu by pressing the button 4 times When the menu appears you will notice there are several icons and options available to include SET RCL Info Exit In ...

Page 22: ...en the battery reaches a full charge or you unplug the device the lightning bolt indicator will no longer appear 左下方显示烟油仓的阻值是 1 8 欧姆 右边是电池指示 电池图标里的闪电表示正在充电 当充 满电后或拔掉电源 闪电指示就消失了 The Check All status function allows you to quickly see your basic settings on one screen When this function is turned on default one button press will allow you to see all your critical settings 检查全部状态的功能让您在一个屏幕上快速看到基本设置 当...

Page 23: ... automatically reset this warning If you want to know more details about this warning and how to fix the problem you can get the details by going to the main menu 4 button presses As the menu scrolls past the various icons you will notice at the end of the scrolling icons there is a matching warning symbol that appears before the exit 在这个例子中 设备检测到 OP Open 打开 这意味着没有安装雾化器或雾化器被烧坏 采取 修复措施解决这个问题后会自动重置这...

Page 24: ...easible or safe the Radius will automatically change the system wattage to the highest power level it deems correct without issuing an on screen warning Critical errors necessitating manual changes by the user will be displayed 任何情况下如果理想的功率水平不能达到或不安全 根据您的线圈阻值和功率设置来定 Radius 会自动调整系统的瓦特数到它所能输出最高值 而不会在屏幕上做出提示 需要用户手动 修改的错误会在屏幕上有提示 ...

Page 25: ...n you first access the menu The icons for Set Recall Info and Exit will scroll on the screen The menu will scroll twice before automatically exiting the menu system 这是首次进入菜单时看到的第一组滚动图标 它们分别是 Set 设置 Recall 调用 Info 信息 和 Exit 退出 菜单会在滚动两次后自动退出菜单系统 Next we will describe each screen and what you can set in that area 接下来我们将介绍每一个屏幕以及其设置内容 Set Settings In the Set menu there are numerous different settings ...

Page 26: ...ptions scroll on the screen You can use the button to select one of the device setting options 一旦您选择了设置选项 会出现设置屏幕 上面有很多滚动选项 您可以通过按钮来选择其中一种设置选 项 DIS 显示 LED BOOST 增强 SAV 保存 设置 Cigarette Counter 香烟计数器 Back Arrow 后退箭头 Exit 退出 The menu will scroll twice before automatically exiting the menu system 菜单会滚动两次 然后自动退出菜单系统 ...

Page 27: ...en You can use the button to select one of the five different user profiles 一旦您选择了调用选项 相应的显示屏幕将会出现 您可以用按钮在 5 个不同的用户配置文件中选择一个 As you press the button Profiles 1 through 5 and the Info icon will scroll past When you see the profile you want to recall press the button once 当您按下按钮 配置文件 1 到 5 的图标会逐一滚过 当看到想要调用的配置文件时 按一下按钮 For example if you were to press the button while 4P is on the screen you would re...

Page 28: ...its creates the full serial number SN1 SN2 SN3 本设备的数字序列号 这三个数字的组合构成了完整的产品序列号 DIS 显示 LED BOOST 增强 SAV 保存 SET 设置 Cigarette Counter 香烟计数器 Back Arrow 后退箭头 Exit 退出 When selecting SET this will take you into the menu options where you can adjust the master settings for the device 当选择 SET 设置 后 会显示多个菜单选项 供您调节设备的主要设置 Sav Save Save allows you to save a user specific profile Sav 保存 保存允许您保存用户特定的配置文件 A profile...

Page 29: ...have selected the Save option you will be taken to the Save screen where you can use the button to select one of the five different user profiles 一旦您选择了保存选项 保存屏幕会出现 在这里您可以通过按钮从 5 个不同的用户配置文件中 选定一个 Profiles 1 through 5 will scroll past When you see the profile you want to save press the button once 配置文件从 1 到 5 会依次滚过 当您看到您想要保存的配置文件 按一下按钮 For example if you were to press the button while 4P is on the ...

Page 30: ... 后退箭头 Back Arrow 后退箭头 Dis Display In the Display menu there are numerous different settings that allow you to customize the appearance of the OLED display Under the Display option you can adjust your display brightness scroll speed switch between left and right hand display mode and change the OnTime Status Time settings for the Check All function Dis 显示 在该菜单中有许多不同的设置可以让您个性化调整 OLED 显示的外观 在这里可以调节显示...

Page 31: ...这个菜单后 会出现五个速度选项 1 5 Each time you press the button to select a number the display will scroll faster or slower depending on what setting you have selected 每按一下按钮选择数字后 显示屏的滚动速度会根据您的选 择相应地变快或变慢 In this example the unit is set to Scroll Speed 1 which is the slowest speed If we were to select 3 the screen would begin scrolling faster 示例中 滚动速度设置为 1 是最慢的速度 如果我们选择 3 屏幕会更快地滚动 Once you are happy with the s...

Page 32: ...entation of the display This feature is used to switch the device for use in either the right or left hand L R 左右手显示模式 该设置改变屏幕显示的朝向 以方便习惯用右手或左手 的人 As you select the two options you will see the display flip from left to right handed mode In this example if we were to select the icon on the screen the display would flip upside down 通过这两个选项 可以让屏幕在左右手模式之间切换 示例中 如果我们选择屏幕上的图标 屏幕显示会翻转 Once you are happy...

Page 33: ...0 秒 Once you select the option you want select Exit to save 设置好满意的值 选择 Exit 退出 来保存 DIS 显示 LED BOOST 增强 SAV 保存 SET 设置 Cigarette Counter 香烟计数器 Back Arrow 后退箭头 Exit 退出 LED Menu This menu section allows you to turn the LED button on and off and lets you change the color of the LED button LED 菜单 您可以通过这个菜单打开和关闭按钮的 LED 灯光 以及改变 LED 灯的 颜色 Once you have selected the LED option you will be taken to the LED s...

Page 34: ...tton Color The LED color selection allows you to change the color of the LED button Available options are red green blue aqua yellow pink white or random C LED 按钮颜色 该选项可以让您设置 LED 按钮的颜色 可选择的颜色有红色 绿色 蓝色 蓝绿色 黄色 粉红色 白色或者随机 Once you have selected the C option you will be taken to the LED Button Color screen where you can select any of the optional button colors When you enter this menu the button will ...

Page 35: ...35 To save that color select Exit 选择 Exit 退出 来保存颜色设置 ...

Page 36: the Boost mode Off or set the Boost mode duration which automatically turns Boost mode On 一旦您选择了增强选项 增强屏幕会出现 在这里您可以关闭增强模式或设置增强模式的持续时间 设置 持续时间会自动开启增强模式 The menu will scroll twice before automatically exiting the menu system 菜单将滚动两次 然后自动退出菜单系统 For example if you set your wattage to 9 watts then turn on boost mode 2 When you press the button the device will boost the power for the first 5 seconds ...

Page 37: ...output of the unit which is up to 40 watts Boost will give you a 5 watt increase all the way up to 35 watts which hits the 40 watt limit 需要注意的将 ProVari 调到最大瓦特数并将增强等级设置为 5 不会超出设备的最高输出功率 40 瓦 增强模 式会提供从 5 瓦特到 35 瓦特的能量提升 但不会超出 40 瓦特的限制 Once you select the option you want select Exit to save 一旦选择好想要的选项 选择退出来保存 ...

Page 38: ...sed on the dollar per pack that you set in the below settings and the number of puffs we calculate how much you have saved Each time you take a puff on the RADIUS it will keep track and update this as you go 节省金额 第一个图标是省钱状态 根据您设置的每包香烟的价格和喷气数 我们计算出您节省的钱是多少 Radius 会记录和更新您的每口吸烟 Cigs Avoided Selecting this icon will show you the number of cigarettes avoided 少抽香烟计数 选择此图标将显示您少抽的香烟数量 Price Per Pack Selec...

Page 39: ... button down until you reach the desired count If you exceed the number where you want to be simply hold the main button down and the puff counter will count all the way up to 999 999 then cycle back to 0 and you can start over until you get your count where you want it 喷雾计数 选择这个图标将会显示在您在 Provari 上的总喷气数 这个数字可以通过下按或按住 ProVari 按 钮进行更改 如果您想添加未增加这个功能前的喷雾计数 按住按钮直到达到满意的计数为止 如果超出 了您的数值 只需要简单地按住主按钮 喷气计数就会...


Page 41: ... This can also happen if you have the wattage set too high along with the boost mode set too high Try lowering your settings Most of the time if you have these power settings too high you will be burning the juice and it won t taste very good or you risk burning out your atomizer 降低电压 瓦特数或更换雾化器 如果电压或功率设置过高 Radius 不能安全地给雾化器供电 就会发生这 种错误 如果功率设置过高同时增强模式设置过高也会导致这个问题 可以尝试着降低您的设置 大多数 时候情况下如果电源设置得太高 您就是在燃...

Page 42: ...ay that use a battery and have some sort of a power gauge have low current drain loads cell phones tablets MP3 players 现在所有其它使用电池并具有某种 能量表 的设备是低电流负载产品 如手机 平板 MP3 播放器 Low current drain loads take a small amount of energy out of the battery in each use cycle or continuously take a small amount of current out of the battery The amount of energy drain is typically less than watt Also the current used ...

Page 43: ...scharge cycles the capacity will degrade at an even faster rate 不是所有的电池都是一样的 不同品牌之间有巨大差异 电池容量和内电阻会有显著 得不同 不同品牌间的差异可以高达 40 至 50 即时同一品牌电池的容量和内阻 也有 15 的差异 更为复杂的是 每次使用电池时其容量和内阻会降低和改变 这 就是为什么在充电 放电 200 到 300 个循环后 电池容量将下降到新电池的 75 85 超过 300 个充电 放电循环后 容量降低的速度会变得更快 4 The Available Energy can also be affected by the quality of the end cap tightness the end cap spring and any corrosion on the battery contact...

Page 44: ...adius It is important to remember that the Radius power gauge is NOT displaying the amount of energy that is in the battery but instead the amount of Energy that is Available to the atomizer This can change from button press to button press depending on the factors described above An analogy is to compare the miles you can get out of a car gas tank You will get more miles if you drive slower becau...

Page 45: no responsibility with regard to the performance or use of these products All understandings agreements or warranties if any take place directly between the vendors and the prospective users Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this manual is accurate ProVape is not responsible for printing clerical errors or updates to the manual or functionality that may happen after t...

Page 46: ...e this product 您必须要达到当地法定的吸烟年龄才能使用该产品 6 Do not modify or attempt to disassemble this product Use according to instructions 不要改动或拆卸改产品 要按照使用指南来使用 7 Do not attempt to fix correct replace or install any part of the vaping apparatus see you seller 不要尝试修复 纠正 更换或安装这个雾化器任何部件 有故障去找你的卖家 8 Do not drink the e liquid or puncture the cartridge and keep away from children and animals 不要喝烟油或弄破盒子 要置于小孩和动物接触不到的地方 ...

Page 47: ... Vegetable Glycerin Nicotine and food flavoring 如果你对丙二醇 植物甘油 尼古丁和食品调味剂过敏或敏感 不要使用该产品 18 This product contains Nicotine an addictive chemical known the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm Other chemicals are present which cause cancer and respiratory disease Toxic if spilled on skin or ingested Dispose according to local or state law Not for persons under the legal ...

Page 48: ...急促 鼻孔出血 腹泻 头痛和口干 在使用本产品前要咨询您的医生 尼古 丁可以通过皮肤迅速吸收 远离皮肤 眼睛 嘴巴和身体的其它部位 万一和尼古 丁有接触 用肥皂和水清洗患处至少 15 分钟 并立即联系当地的中毒控制中心 20 Drug interactions Nicotine may interact with certain pharmaceutical drugs Consult your physician or pharmacist prior to use to avoid serious complications 药物相互作用 尼古丁可能与某些药品发生作用 请在使用前咨询您的医生或药 师 以免严重的并发症发生 21 Do not use in conjunction with illicit drugs alcohol energy drinks herbal nutrit...

Page 49: are volatile They may burn or explode with improper use Do not use or charge with non approved devices Overuse of vaping apparatus may cause this product to overheat malfunction and or may cause burns 电池警告 锂离子电池是不稳定的 不当使用 它们可能会燃烧或爆炸 不要用 未经批准的设备充电 雾化设备的过度使用可能会导致本产品的过热 故障 和 或烧毁 30 Do not leave this product unattended while charging anytime or overnight and do not charge it in your vehicle 不要在平时或隔...

Page 50: ...ever drop damage or tamper with the batteries 切勿掉落 损坏或篡改电池 40 Never attempt to charge directly from the wall outlet Always use a surge protector 不要试图直接插到墙上的电源插座进行充电 要一直使用电涌保护器 41 Do not throw batteries into fire 不要将电池投入火中 42 Do not connect improperly 不要不正确地连接 43 Do not use any charger other than the one provided to you to charge your device 不要使用提供给您的充电器以外的其它任何充电器 44 Do not charge batteries unless ...

Page 51: ...ys turn off your vaping apparatus in between uses 使用后务必关闭雾化器 48 Unplug the charging apparatus in between uses Failure to follow warnings may result in electric shock fire property damage bodily injury or death 不用的时候 要拔下充电设备 如果不遵守警告 可能会造成触电 火灾 财产损失 人身伤害或死亡 ...
