RadioLinx Configuration Manager
Industrial Hotspot
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 65 of 171
May 23, 2011
Parameter Description
Selection Method
When the "Available Parents List" is populated, the radio will use one of
the following selection methods to determine the parent to use for the
wireless network:
The auto mode uses a custom algorithm to assign
a cost of association to each detected potential
parent. This algorithm is a function of the potential
parent's signal strength, distance in hops from the
Master device.
This selection requires the radio to connect to
parents that are a specific number of hops away
from the Master, up to a maximum of 10 hops.
If Branch Length of 1 is chosen, the radio will link
only to the Master radio. If Branch Length of 2 is
chosen, the radio will link only to another RLXIB-
IHN that is linked to the Master radio, and so on.
Selection method using a preferred list of radio
MAC addresses. Parents are selected by priority
list or weighted list.
: This selection method uses a
list of preferred parents. List/Priority
compares the list of detected available
parents to the prioritized list of parents to
determine the preferred parent connection
: This option combines the
automatic mode with the preferred list of
parents. If there are two or more available
parents that are also part of a user defined
preferred list, the automatic algorithm
chooses the parent from the preferred list.
Hop Count
The number of hops to allow between this radio and the Master (1 to
A value of 1 requires this radio to connect directly to the Master
Preferred List
Select the preferred list type from the dropdown list. This selection only
applies If the selection method above is "List".
Best in List
The radio compares the list of radio MAC
addresses configured on this page with the
available parents. If two or more parents match
the MAC addresses on the preferred list, the
radio will select the best parent within the
preferred list.
Follow List Priority The radio uses the list of radio MAC addresses
to a parent from the list, in order from 1 to 8.
If the MAC address in List 1 is available, the
radio will use this link. If this parent is
unavailable, the radio will attempt to connect
with the address in List 2, and so on.