WirelessN Discovery Tool
User Manual
Industrial Hotspot
Page 122 of 171
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
May 23, 2011
5.10 Radio Detailed View
Each radio has more specific information available for the user than what is
presented on either the Radio List or Topology view. This section displays
comprehensive device specific properties available to the utility.
5.10.1 Summary
General radio properties are presented here. For devices that support multiple
physical WLAN cards, the information in this section is valid irrespective of the
number of radio cards present in the hardware.
Parameter Description
The device name, as configured via the unit's GUI
the MAC address of the bridge interface - the Ethernet and Radio MAC
addresses are shared
# Wireless Cards
Certain device hardware versions support up to 2 physical WLAN cards
Firmware version
The radio firmware version