WirelessN Discovery Tool
Industrial Hotspot
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 115 of 171
May 23, 2011
5.8 Radio
The Radio List shows a table of detected radios in the network. This table allows
you to easily identify radios by role, MAC address and device name. If a
particular radio has parents or children in the network, they are identified by MAC
address, SSID and security for that wireless link.
It is possible for the supported radio unit to have two physical radios, which
would lead to two rows of WLAN card specific information for a single radio IP
address. Each radio's information is classified in three logical groups: device
information, details about access points broadcast by this device, and information
about connected supplicants (children). The columns in the table can be sorted
(in ascending or descending order) by clicking on the field heading.
Parameter Description
The details in this section are properties of the supported radio. The
Name, IP address, and firmware version of the device are displayed
here. As well the device's Role, one of Master/Repeater/Client will be
displayed (Client mode is for single radios only). In the case of a unit
having two radios, there will be two entries for roles, depending on how
each radio is configured (do not configure either side of a dual radio as
a Client). The device MAC address is the shared bridge MAC address
and is used for all data packets leaving the unit via the radio or
Ethernet interfaces.
Access Points
If a device has radios in Master or Repeater modes, access point
details will be displayed in this section. The management AP (the trunk
link) information for the device is listed for each radio: the SSID(s),
radio channel(s), and security options configured for that link.
If a device has radios in Repeater or Client modes, supplicant details
are displayed in this section. These fields identify the parent connection
for this device and the link characteristics. The Parent MAC address,
signal strength of the link (in dBm), and SSID of the link are displayed.
Each Repeater or Client radio can have at most one parent at a given