RLX2-IHx Series ♦ 802.11a, b, g, n
RLX2-IHx Series Quick Setup
Industrial Hotspots
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 29 of 248
RLX2-IHx Series Quick Setup
This chapter describes how to set up RLX2-IHx series radios in a minimal configuration
before deploying them in the permanent installation. The procedures in this section help
familiarize you with basic configuration procedures, and show you how to verify that the
radios are operational.
Note: If you have not designed your wireless network, see Network Planning (page 22) for the steps to
design your network using the ProSoft Wireless Designer. In addition to helping you design your network,
Prosoft Wireless Designer also creates a Bill of Materials listing all the components for the network.
The procedures described in this section assume the radios are in their default
configurations as shipped by ProSoft. If that is not the case, you can reset the radios to
factory defaults before attempting these procedures. See
Resetting a RLX2-IHx Series
(page 180).
Note that in any given network, there must be at least one RLX2-IHx series radio acting
as a
. Other radios that you configure as
will connect
wirelessly to the Master to form a network bridge between their Ethernet interfaces.
If you are replacing an existing radio with a new radio of the same type, you can easily
transfer the radio configuration from the old radio to the replacement radio. See
Replacing an Existing Radio
(page 51).
Important: If you do not have a ProSoft Technology Power adapter (supplied with the RLX-IHBTK Bench
Test Kit), see Making Power and Data Connections (page 30) for instructions on wiring the power
Preparing the Configuration Environment
If you have all the RLX2-IHx series radios on your workbench, you may not need
antennas for this procedure. Radios without antennas may have sufficient signal
strength to link over short distances, without radiating or receiving unnecessary
surrounding RF energy. However, we recommend that you connect an antenna to the
Master radio. See
Antenna Port Connections
(page 17).
Important: If the radios are close enough to each other that their received signal strength is greater than -
40 dBm, performance may be degraded. Disconnect antennas from radios during bench testing, or move
the radios further apart from each other.
Tip: To make it easier to physically identify the radios, apply a label to each radio indicating the radio name
and IP address.