RLX2-IHx Series ♦ 802.11a, b, g, n
Configuring a Radio - Detailed Configuration
Industrial Hotspots
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 105 of 248
A radio using the STP algorithm reverts its port to the listening state, and then to the
learning state, before returning to the forwarding state. Each of these states takes at
least 15 seconds, during which the STP devices are listening for BPDUs to re-
negotiate the network topology.
A radio using the RSTP algorithm uses active handshaking between adjacent RSTP
devices to re-negotiate the network topology. This process takes only one to two
Each RLX2-IHx series radio contains a switch table that tells the radio how to forward
Ethernet packets to get them to their correct destination. When the network topology
changes, the radio immediately flushes its Ethernet switch table. This allows the radio to
pass traffic immediately over the new network topology and learn the configuration in the
process. Until the radio completely learns the new topology, it broadcasts the packets to
their destination. As the radios see each packet and rebuilds the Ethernet switch table,
the radios return to directing packets to their destinations.