RLX2-IHx Series ♦ 802.11a, b, g, n
Network Planning
Industrial Hotspots
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 26 of 248
2.4.1 Designer Functional Specifications
ProSoft Wireless Designer includes the following features:
It contains a database of all currently available RadioLinx radios, antennas, cables,
connectors and accessories.
It exports parts lists, site and link details, and setup Wizard settings into a variety of
common file formats for import into applications such as spreadsheets, databases,
and word processors.
It checks wireless link feasibility based on path length and recommended
It predicts signal strength based on distance, local regulations, and hardware
It fully documents the ProSoft Technology wireless network plan.
Testing the Network Installation
Use the following steps to test your wireless network before you permanently install the
radios and antennas.
Note: If you are using the Personality Module feature (MicroSD card), remove the MicroSD card from its
packaging and insert it into the Personality Module slot in each radio before you configure the radio. After
you save the RLX2 configuration from the radio’s web interface (or write it to the card by clicking W
on the A
tab), you can leave the MicroSD card in the radio, or store it in some
other location. It is important that you keep the MicroSD card in a secure location in case it is needed when
you replace a radio.
Configure all the radios in the network. See
Using the IH Browser to Configure
(page 35). If possible, configure all the radios side by side in an office setting
and make sure they link before installing them in the field. If feasible, test with the
radios and end-device equipment together before they are installed in the field.
Tip: To make it easier to physically identify the radios, apply a label to each radio indicating the radio name
and IP address.
Install the Master radio in its proposed permanent location.
Connect the PC with the IH Browser software to the Master radio. See
Making Power
and Data Connections
(page 30).
Install the other radios (Repeater, Client, and Bridging Client) in their proposed
Temporarily place each radio's antenna near its proposed mounting location. The
antenna can be held in place by hand. However, one person must hold the antenna
while the other person monitors the Remote radio's signal strength in the IH Browser
on the PC.