Analysis methods
4.1 Procedural instructions
when using liquid reagents
Consider error propagation based
on the possible tolerances of the
individual methods when calcu‐
lating non-directly determinable
parameters from individual meas‐
ured values.
Cleaning the cuvettes: Many
domestic cleaning agents con‐
tain reducing substances. Use
of these substances leads to
false low readings when meas‐
uring chlorine/bromine/chlorine
dioxide/ozone. Make sure that
the glass equipment does not
cause chlorine loss to rule out
these measuring errors. There‐
fore store the cuvettes for an
hour in a sodium hypochlorite
solution (0.1 g/l) and then thor‐
oughly rinse with deionised
Use a separate set of cuvettes
for the individual determination
of free chlorine and total
chlorine (see EN ISO 7393-2,
section. 5.3).
Label the lid and base of the
cuvette set so that there can
be no inadvertent confusion
of the cuvettes.
When preparing water samples,
avoid the outgassing of chlorine
dioxide/ozone, e.g. by pipetting
and shaking. This applies partic‐
ularly for the dissolved gases
chlorine dioxide and ozone,
especially at temperatures of >
30°C. Immediately perform the
analysis after taking the water
DPD colour development takes
place at a pH value of 6.2 to
6.5. Therefore the reagents con‐
tain a buffer for pH value adjust‐
ment. Ensure that strongly alka‐
line or acidic water samples are
within a pH range of 6 to 7
(using 0.5 mol/l sulphuric acid or
1 mol/l sodium hydroxide solu‐
Concentrations above
4 mg/l chlorine when using
liquid reagents
7.6 mg/l chlorine dioxide
when using liquid reagents
Analysis methods