Programming the Outputs
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10.9 Blocks
Blocks are used to ensure that two or more relays
(Relays 1 to 9) are not on together should they be
incompatible or cause problems. Often, chemical
pumps will be blocked by the blowdown valve to
prevent chemical feeding going down the drain.
Setting blocks
all relays 1 to 9
1- Press the MENU key
2- Use the ARROW keys to select I/O Setup,
then press OK
3- Use the ARROW keys to select
1:Blowdown, then press OK
Use the ARROW keys to select ‘Blocked by’
then press OK
Choose an output with ARROW keys and
press SELECT [F1]. A solid square
appear to the left of any and all output(s)
selected. Press
REMOVE to deselect an
output. Once the blocking output selections
are correct, press OK to save your
10.10 Control Action (ON Decreases/ON
Increases Sensor):
Used for R1-R5, and P6-P9 in the ON/OFF
Control Action tells the controller what direction to
expect the sensor value to take if the relay is turned
on. Since Acid will drive a pH downward, this would
be set for ‘ON Decreases’. Most chemicals drive the
sensor upwards. That would be an ‘ON Increases’
setting. The Control Action choice allows the output
control to be inverted. This could be useful if the
only blowdown valve available is a normally open
solenoid, or if other controls require the inverted