Programming the Inputs
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The pH and redox-ORP combination probes may
only be stored wet. For this purpose, pour a little
3-molar KCI solution into the protective cap or
case and slide or screw on to the sensor.
Ensure by a visual check that the pH probes are
free from entrapped air bubbles. If air bubbles are
present, remove them by vigorously shaking the
probe downward (like an old-school mercury fever
Probes with KCI filling solution or gel should only
be installed in open-ended in-line probe housings
(max. 0.5 bar), type DLG III, or immersion-type
probe housings, type ETS. Pressurized systems
require special probes with a plastic electrolyte.
Service life
Probes are subject to natural ageing even if
handled correctly. Depending on the application, a
service life of between 6 months and maximum of
several years may be expected.
In individual cases, particularly when extreme
service conditions are involved, their lifetime may
be reduced to a matter of days.
*Subject to technical alterations.
9.5.5 Calibration
Temperature Compensation: Conductivity sensors
should always be temperature compensated, with
the exception of the boiler conductivity probes. In
the Aegis II the conductivity temperature
compensation can use either an internally integrated
temperature sensor or a temperature sensor
external to the conductivity sensor.
If the
temperature reading is off by more than 3°F, you
may have a failed probe or wiring problem. After any
temperature calibration, test the temperature sensor
with an ice bath.
If the calibration was not successful (more than +/-
50mV offset) it will display “Sensor fault Overrange”.