promesstec GmbH
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: Select disable, value or Math channel. This function mainly
used to display process values obtained from Non-linearization table
: Select disable, value or Math channel
Maximum 64 rows can be entered in the Transformation table
Ex: A chemical tank is with non-linear shape. Level is 0 to 1400 cms. The Record-
er should display 0 to 170 Tons as per following table
Add: Press “Add” soft button to add a new row into the Transformation table
Delete: Press “Delete” soft button to delete existing row from the Transformation
Copy: “Press” to copy existing row in the Transformation table to create a dupli-
cate entry
Mode: Press to toggle between Input and Output entries in the Transformation ta-
Up & Down: To navigate among rows in the Transformation table
Math Expression
Expressions Mathematics Functions