promesstec GmbH
I Niedersachsenstraße 4 I D- 48465 Schüttorf I Tel.:+49 (0)5923/ 90 229 0 I Fax:+49 (0)5923/ 90 229 29
E-Mail: [email protected] I Internet: www.promesstec.com
4.3 Expandable Input and Output cards
The recorder is equipped with rear expansion slots, which work flexibly with the
following plug & play I/O cards.
Analog Input cards
(part number AI206 & AI203): These two cards are used for
6 & 3-channel analog input. Each input is isolated from each other to avoid noise
and to ensure stable measurement.
Relay Output card
Each card includes 6 alarm relays. Contacts are rat-
ed 5 Amp/240 VAC
Digital Input card
(DI206): Each card includes 6 channels. Logic Low: -5V mini-
mum, 0.8V maximum, Logic High: 3.5V minimum, 24V maximum