promesstec GmbH
I Niedersachsenstraße 4 I D- 48465 Schüttorf I Tel.:+49 (0)5923/ 90 229 0 I Fax:+49 (0)5923/ 90 229 29
E-Mail: [email protected] I Internet: www.promesstec.com
Appears only for linear input Ex: mV, Voltage, current etc..
It is offset value to correct the sensor error.
It is a multiplier to correct the sensor error.
The correct value = (the process value x gain) + offset
The Event is frequently used for Alarm purpose. Event can also be used for digital
output DO, Timer, Totalizer, Counter or Report.
Maximum five events are possible to set for each Analog Input
Press “Add” to add new event
Press “Remove” to remove selected event