Shoulder pain
(P10, PC1 or PC2 – 120Hz, 150µS)
One-sided overexertion or carrying heavy loads, infections and psy-
chological strains.
Hip joint pain
(P08, PC1 or PC2 – 150Hz, 350µS)
Therapy goals are pretty much identical for rheumatoid arthritis, ar-
throsis, post-traumatic conditions and artificial limbs (only after con-
sulting a doctor): relieving pain and reducing inflammation and mu-
scle tension. Arthrosis, arthritis (knee joint pain). Possible causes for
knee joint pain include, for example, metabolic disorders, over-
weight, mechanical strains and the normal ageing process of the
cartilage tissue.
Foot joint pain
(P08, PC1 or PC2 – 120Hz, 400µS)
In general, TENS can be used to treat both chronic and acute
pain, e.g. in the case of sprains and dislocations that are usually
accompanied by bruising. However, a careful examination is ne-
cessary first, to establish whether the joint may be damaged.
Muscle tension
(P01, P03, P09)
caused by, for example, jogging or after long periods of driving or
sitting at the computer, can be most effectively treated using burst
mode (pulse groups are “fired off”).
manual_emt-4_270607 27.06.2007 14:44 Uhr Seite 48