Advanced Test Products
The RG6-E is equipped with an internal Safety Pressure Switch. If the pressure inside
the system exceeds 38,5 bar (550PSI), the system is switched off automatically.
If the Safety Pressure Switch is activated automatically whilst filling a bottle, it could be
caused by the bottle becoming overfilled.
This is a very dangerous situation!
You should take steps immediately to reduce the
overpressure and/or to eliminate the overfilling of the bottle.
If the Safety Pressure Switch switches the unit off...
The following precautions should be taken if the Safety Pressure Switch is activated:
a) Suspected overfilling of the recovery bottle
Connect the recovery bottle to another bottle with spare capacity so that the pressure is
reduced to a safe level. This action should also reduce the pressure in the Outlet line
from the RG6-E. Proceed as normal after resetting the Safety Pressure Switch (see
b) Cause of activation of Safety Pressure Switch unknown
1) Check that the recovery bottle is not overfilled.
2) Close the system valves, recovery bottle valves and RG6-E valves.
3) Disconnect RG6-E from flexible pipes.
4) Disconnect RG6-E from the power supply.
5) Open the Inlet and Outlet valves very slowly.
6) Investigate the reason for the failure.
Once activated the Safety Pressure Switch will remain ‘open’ until the pressure within
the system is reduced below 28 Bar (400PSI), at which time it will automatically reset. It
is not possible to operate the unit until this occurs.