Advanced Test Products
Purging the non-condensable gases from identified refrigerant in a tank
1. Allow the tank to sit undisturbed for 24 hours. (This allows the air to rise to the top).
2. Connect a manifold to the tank and read the amount of pressure in the tank by
looking at the Outlet pressure gauge.
3. Determine the ambient temperature in the room.
4. Refer to a Refrigerant pressure/temperature chart. Find the temperature on the chart
and look across to the corresponding pressure for the type of refrigerant in the tank.
Determine how that relates to the reading on the gauge.
5. If the pressure reading is higher than the pressure shown on the chart, very slowly
(so as not to cause turbulence inside the tank) crack open the vapor port valve.
Watch the pressure on the gauge decrease. To prevent venting, add 0,3 - 0,35 bar
(4 - 5 psi) to the pressure shown on the chart. When the gauge corresponds to that
pressure, close the vapor port valve.
6. Allow the tank to sit for 10 minutes and check the pressure again.
7. Repeat the process again if necessary.