Proaim Drive One Wireless Follow focus (FF-WRLS-DR-ONE)
To set up the limits with maximum travel available, first erase both limits. With the gears disengaged, turn
the lens to your preferred end and rotate the motor using the transmitter to the same end. Engage the lens
to the drive gear. Wind the lens back the other way to check that the motor does not outrun the lens. If it
does, set the limit using the appropriate button in the normal way. It is not necessary to have both limits set
when setting up the motor limits in this way.
For more advice on dealing with long throw lenses, please contact us.
Most common problems are easily solved. If the troubleshooting information does not resolve the issue
please contact us immediately. Do not attempt to find the fault or repair the unit yourself as this will void
your warranty.
Transmitter will not turn on
- Check battery charge and polarity
Receiver will not turn on
-Check power source, power and polarity. Do not use both XLP power and battery plate at the same time
Motor does not move when the wheel is turned
- Check transmitter and receiver frequencies match (page 11)
- Verify data light is green
- Check motor cable
- Both limits could be set at the same position (this will stop the motor operating) erase by pressing and
hold both limit set buttons until they light red.
Frequency colour light is not visible
- In bright light; the frequency light can be hard to see. Shading the light with your hand will help you see
the colour
Limited or no radio range
- Ensure antennas are connected
- Check data light is green
Data light is flickering or showing red
- Check transmitter and receiver frequencies match (see page 11)
- Ensure antennas are connected
- Move to a different frequency colour
Motor hums or jerks at the end of its motor movement
- Reset appropriate limit stop
No repeatability on infinitely turning focus rings
- Infinitely turning focus rings found on modern DSLR lenses can lose their repeatability. Make sure that
when the motor stops turning at the end of the wheel motion, it does not move the ring past the
- Reset the limits