Usage instructions SPEEDY F4 and F2
Figure 66: Valve without cap
3. Place the valve attachment of the com-
pressed air device or the compressor onto
the valve (if necessary, an adapter must be
placed on the valve attachment) and, if a
clamp lever is fitted, secure the connection
by applying the lever.
4. Now check the tyre pressure. If the tyre
pressure does not match the specifica-
tions, correct it.
5. Finally release the clamp lever (if present),
pull the valve attachment off the valve and
replace the valve cap.
Figure 67: Compressor
Figure 68: Valve adapter and clamp lever of the
21.5 Wheelbase extension
21.5.1 Wheelbase extension welded in
place (SPEEDY F2 oversized)
The "wheelbase extension welded in place"
cannot be removed
Figure 69: Wheelbase extension welded in place
(SPEEDY F2 oversized)
changing the drive wheels
between the
wheelchair axle and the axle of the wheelbase
extension, proceed as described Chapter 21.1.
21.5.2 Removable wheelbase extension
and removable wheelbase exten-
sion with adjustable angle
A "Removable wheelbase extension" or "Re-
movable wheelbase extension with adjustable
angle" can be used with the product as long as
a base plate (cannot be retrofitted) is present
on the product.
Clamp lever
Cap removed