: An occasional wipe down with mild soap and water is all your interior and exterior vinyls
need to remain in good condition for many years. We do not recommend the use of any special
cleaners sealers or treatments for interior and exterior vinyls. Refer to the provided brochure.
: For all fabrics use dry cleaning fluid only.
Corrosion Protection
If you moor your Pro-Line in salt water for extended periods make sure to check the transom
mounted anti-corrosion anode often for operation. Check the electrical connections (green wire) on
all metallic fittings with anode for conductivity with a ohm meter. Make sure the anode surface is
exposed and not caked with corrosion and scale. If the anode is more than 50% eroded renew it.
Your motor / drive unit has a sacrificial anode made of zinc to mitigate the effects of corrosion
causing, electrolysis . Maintain this anode in accordance with the maintenance schedule in your
engine manual.
Winterization and Storage
Pre-Storage Check List
Remove drain plug, keep bow high to drain any water accumulation.
Run a pint of RV antifreeze through bilge pump.
Drain all water from water systems and head, and pump an approved
antifreeze through all pumps, valves, drains and lines.
Fill fuel tank and add a stabilizer such as 'STA-BIL' to the gasoline.
Prepare the engine in accordance with manufactures recommendations found in your
engine manual (drain cooling system).
Treat metal parts with rust inhibitor.
Remove the battery and protect from freezing. Trickle charge overnight
once a month.
Place under cover, if on a trailer loosen tie down straps, and unload the
tires with blocks.
Pull prop and grease prop shaft.
Fitting Out After Storage-
Check entire fuel system for loose fittings, leaks and damage.
* Examine the exhaust system on stern drives for rust, loose fittings, and
leaks (recheck after starting engine).
Clean battery terminals, install battery(s), and coat terminals with
deoxidizing agent.
Check all through hull fittings and hoses for obstructions, water tightness and condition.
Test navigation, anchor and other lights for operation.
Check wiring, terminal blocks and plugs for loose connections and
Verify switch and equipment operation.
Check line condition and inspect anchor and rode.
Install hull drain plug, clean out any debris from bilge and cockpit.
Remove antifreeze and flush water system.
Refit prop.