Install drain plug.
Remove covers and tie downs. (leave bow winch strap in place)
Place lines and fenders if needed.
Disconnect lights to avoid shorting.
Verify that safety equipment is aboard.
If possible use a lookout.
Back down the ramp until wheels are under water or the stern of the boat just starts to
float ( keeping perpendicular to the shore).
Loosen bow strap, board the boat, lower the drive unit.
Start the engine and check the bilge for leaks.
Remove winch strap from bow eye.
Back boat off of trailer.
Dock the boat and park the tow vehicle.
Back down the ramp so trailer is half submerged.
Carefully line up boat, slowly maneuvering with short bursts of power.
When the keel is centered and boat is just touching the trailer, winch (or
smoothly apply power) until the boat eases to rest on the bow rest.
Secure the bow strap.
Haul the boat out of the water and park out of the way of others.
Remove the bilge plug.
Rinse off salt water if fresh water is available (or as soon as possible
Stow equipment and canvas, affix tie downs and covers.
Hook up trailer lights and verify operation.
Operation and Performance
The capacity plate states the maximum persons and the maximum weight in pounds for persons,
engine and gear that the boat will safely accommodate under normal conditions. These load
capacity ratings are computed using USCG formulas. For operation in rough and adverse
conditions reduce the boats load to permit safe operation.
The performance of any boat is a function of the amount of load carried, great loads reduce
performance. Depending upon conditions and what engine / hull combination you have selected,
your boat may not be able to stay on plane when loaded to its maximum rated capacity.
When loading your Pro-Line always:
Maintain a balance both port to starboard and bow to stern.
Keep heavy items as low as possible.
When boarding, step (never jump) into the boat one at a time.
Pass gear from the dock to someone in the boat, do not carry gear while