Centering the Running Belt
Start the treadmill without anyone on the running belt, press “Speed+” button until speed reaches
Observe whether the running belt is toward the right or left side of the deck.
a) If toward the left side of the deck, using 6# Allen Wrench, turn the left adjustment bolt clockwise 1/4
turn and let the running belt will find its new position; if it’s still moving toward left side, turn the bolt
further for 1/4 turn.
b) If toward the right side of the deck, using 6# Allen Wrench, turn the right adjustment bolt clockwise
1/4 turn and let the running belt will find its new position; if it’s still moving toward right side, turn the
bolt further for 1/4 turn.
c) If the belt is still not center, repeat the above steps until the running belt is centered.
After the belt is centered, increase the speed to 12km/h and verify that it is running smoothly. Repeat
the above steps if it is necessary. If the above procedure is unsuccessful in resolving the off-center,
you may need to increase the belt tension.
Centering the Running Belt