Software Menus
The GC Followspot Controller software consists of a hierarchy of menu levels. Sub-menus, options, and alpha/
numeric keypads may be accessed by pressing the blue and red areas of these main menus. Pressing the right bar (X)
while at a sub-menu will return to the previous menu.
When power is applied, the Main menu will be displayed on the touchscreen.
Main Menu
The Main menu consists of several sections (referred to as
"panels") which provide status and configuration information.
Pressing the panels on the touchscreen will open the applicable
GroundControl software: v0.15 or greater
- displays current Intensity percentage level. Press
panel to enable/disable control of this mechanism.
White text = normal fader operation.
Red text = intensity is in blackout.
When intensity scaling is enabled, the incoming intensity
level will be shown.
If the fixture douses due to a lamp error, a red lamp icon will
appear on the bottom-left corner of the Intensity panel.
- displays current zoom level. Press panel to enable/
disable control of this mechanism.
White text = normal fader operation.
Yellow text = level is being determined by a preset. (When a
preset which changes the zoom level is recalled, the zoom
fader will be captured. This means that moving the fader
will not change the zoom level until the fader has been
moved to the position specified by the preset. This action
will re-enable the zoom fader and clear the yellow text.)
- displays current iris level. Press panel to enable/disable
control of this mechanism.
- displays Truss Box status: OK (green) or XXX (red).
Press to open
- displays current edge level. Press panel to enable/
disable control of this mechanism.
- displays current frost level. Press panel to enable/
disable control of this mechanism.
When a mechanism is selected/deselected for use by the controller, it immediately snaps to the new position.
Fixture Lamp Error Indication
Truss Box Error Indication