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SQRT - allows presenting on the display the squared root of the linear input
signal. The Cut-Off parameter given in % of the input signal makes input values
below (Lim Low + Cut Off) be shown as Lim Low. See figure 13.
Fig. 13 - Input signal square root
DEC.PT - sets the decimal point position for visualization of Engineering units
in display. There are up to four decimal places.
OFSET - allows the user to enter an off-set value in Engineering Units to be
added to the measured variable. This parameter can be used to equalize
measurements in different instruments.
FILTER - this parameter provides the time constant of a first order digital filter
associated to the selected input. In order to leave the signal without filter set this
parameter to zero.
Level 3 - Alarm
The Indicator has up to seven alarm devices: four of them are the outputs 1,
2, 3 and 4 used as alarm outputs which are relay 1, relay 2, relay 3 and relay 4. The
other three devices are the couple of leds, LED 1 and LED 2, and the display which
can operate independently from the relays. In this case, the INDEP option is
selected. If the DEPEN option is selected for the leds and display, their operation is
associated to that of the relays (but when the relays are configured for preset, as
described on level 5 of Totalization, the relay operation is followed only by the leds).
Each alarm module can perform up to two types of alarm: low alarm or high
alarm. When configuring the seven independent alarm devices for the indication,
there are up to 14 setpoint alarms (SP) and their hysteresis (HYST).