C844 Upright Cycle
Page 28
Procedure 6.5 - The RPM Display is Incorrect
Plug the C844 line cord into an AC outlet and set the on/off switch in the on position. Use
the “Quick Start” key to enter the manual program. Using a watch or clock as reference,
pedal the bike at a rate of one revolution per second. The second window on the right of the
display should indicate approximately 60 RPM. If the RPM reading is significantly high or
low go to step 5. If the RPM reading is zero continue with step 2.
Rotate the flywheel so that the magnet mounted on the flywheel is 180
away from the reed
switch mounted on the frame. Using a DC voltmeter, measure the voltage between pins 1 &
2 of P6 on the lower PCA. The voltage should read approximately 6 VDC. If the voltage is
correct skip to step 3. If the voltage is significantly lower than 6 VDC, disconnect the P6
plug from the lower PCA. Measure the voltage at pins 1 & 2 of P6 on the lower PCA. If the
voltage is still significantly lower than 6 VDC replace the lower PCA. If the voltage is correct
with P6 disconnected, replace reed switch
Using a DC voltmeter measure the voltage between pins 1 & 2 of P6 on the lower PCA.
Carefully rotate the flywheel. When the magnet (mounted in the flywheel) passes the reed
switch (mounted on the frame) the voltage should toggle between approximately 6 VDC to
approximately 0 VDC. After the magnet passes the reed switch, the voltage should toggle
back to approximately 6 VDC.
If the voltage in step 3 does not toggle, remove the flywheel. Using a known good magnet,
pass it near the reed switch. The voltage should toggle as described in step 3. If the
voltage toggles, replace the magnet. If the voltage does not toggle, replace the reed switch.
Test the C844 as in step 1, if the RPM reading is still 0, call Precor customer support. If the
RPM reading is significantly high or low, proceed with step 5.
Incorrect RPM readings can result from either a weak magnet or a defective reed switch.
There are no good test procedures to test for intermittent operation. The simplest procedure
is to replace the magnet or reed switch one at a time and test the C844 operation. Replace
either component as appropriate. If neither component corrects the problem, call Precor
customer support.