Helios Large Display Strain Gauge Meter Instruction Manual
Error Message (
An error message indicates that the calibration or scaling process was not successful.
The error message might be caused by any of the following conditions:
1. Input signal is not connected to the proper terminals, or it is connected backwards.
2. Wrong signal selection in
3. Minimum input span requirements not maintained.
The minimum input span is the minimum
difference between input 1 and input 2 signals
required to complete the calibration or scaling of
Meter Operation
The meter is capable of accepting any signal from -250 to 250 mV in bipolar mode, or 0 to 300 mV in
unipolar mode, and displaying these signals in engineering units from -99999 to 999999 (
a 0-100 mV
signal could be displayed as 0 to 50000). The dual-line display can be customized by the user to operate
in such a way as to satisfy a specific application. Typically the upper display is used for the process variable;
while the lower display is used for engineering units, custom legend, or set point indication.
The input signal can be scaled to display the process in two different scales; for example the upper display
could indicate weight in pounds and the lower display could indicate percent of maximum weight capacity.
The meter can also be set up to display the analog input on the upper display and the Modbus input on the
lower display. The relays and analog output can be programmed to operate from the Modbus PV input if
the Modbus input has been assigned to the big (main) display.
During operation, the meter can be either tared or zeroed. The tare feature is useful for momentarily zeroing
out of the display, in the case where there is additional weight than what is intended to be measured (e.g.
a bucket on the scale is being filled with material). The meter will display a T to indicate that the display has
been tared and taring is resettable via the reset tare operation. The zero feature is useful for permanent
zeroing of the meter, in the case where there has been drift in the strain gauge output over time. The zero
feature will zero out the display without indication or the ability to reset.
Button Operation
Button Symbol Description
Press to enter or exit Programming Mode, view
settings, or exit max/min readings
Press to reset max/min readings or other
parameter/function assigned through the
Press to display max/min readings or other
parameter/function assigned through the
Press to acknowledge relays or other
parameters/function assigned through the
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