Parameter Description
(Default Value)
Min. to Max. Range Specified
for the Selected Input Type
(Default : -200)
0 to 9999
(Default : 0)
0.00 to 99.99
(Default : 0.00)
Min. to Max. Range Specified
for the Selected Input Type
(Default : -200)
This parameter sets the target level for the Third ramp segment.
The Setpoint ramps to this level with Ramp Rate-3 from Target
This parameter is expressed in the same unit and resolution as
that for PV. By default, this parameter value is set to the Minimum
Range value specified for the selected ‘Input Type’. If the ‘Input
Type’ is altered, this parameter value automatically set to the
Minimum Range of the altered ‘Input Type’.
This parameter sets the time duration for which the Setpoint is
maintained at Target Setpoint-3. This segment is skipped if set to
0,that is, the Setpoint starts ramping to Target Setpoint-4 as soon
as it reaches to Target Setpoint-3. This parameter is expressed in
minutes and settable in 1 minute resolution.
This parameter sets the rate at which the Setpoint ramps from
Target Setpoint-3 to Target Setpoint-4. The setting resolution of
this parameter is independent of the displayed PV resolution. If set
to 0, the Ramp Setpoint immediately equals to the Target Setpoint-
This parameter sets the target level for the fourth ramp segment.
The Setpoint ramps to this level with Ramp Rate-4 from Target
Setpoint-3. This parameter is expressed in the same unit and
resolution as that for PV. By default, this parameter value is set to
the Minimum Range value specified for the selected ‘Input Type’. If
the ‘Input Type’ is altered, this parameter value automatically set
to the Minimum Range value of the altered ‘Input Type’.
This parameter sets the time duration for which the setpoint is
maintained at Target setpoint-4. This segment is skipped if set to
0. The Profile Cycle is over at the end of this segment. If the
parameter ‘Output Off’ is set to ‘No’, the controller starts
controlling the PV with respect to the SP (Control/Auxiliary). If
alarm type is selected as ‘End of Profile’, the OP3 Relay / SSR (if
fitted) energizes for approximately 10 seconds at the end of this
segment. This parameter is expressed in minutes and settable in 1
minute resolution.
0 to 9999
(Default : 0)
User Manual
neuro 104