User Manual
neuro 104
Step through the followings to adjust the Operator Parameter values.
1. Press and release PAGE key. The Lower Readout shows ( PAGE) and Upper Readout shows (0).
2. Press ENTER key. The Lower Readout shows prompt for the first parameter and Upper Readout shows corresponding
setting (Refer Table 2.1 below) depending upon the controller configuration.
The SP value can be directly adjusted on the Lower Readout while the controller is in the MAIN Display Mode except the case
of Manual or Profile mode operation. In case of Standby mode, the SP can be adjusted but the adjusted value will be effective
only if the controller is put back into the Auto mode. This is called Set-up mode. The SP adjustment is permitted only if it is
enabled under supervisory level in PAGE-13 parameter list. If enabled, step through the following sequence to adjust the SP
1. Press and release UP or DOWN key once. The Lower Readout starts flashing.
2. Use UP/DOWN keys to adjust the SP value. Pressing UP or DOWN key once changes the value by one count; holding the
key pressed speeds up the rate of change.
3. Press and release ENTER key. The Lower Readout stops flashing and the set value is registered and stored in the
controller’s non-volatile memory. Note that the altered value becomes effective only after ENTER key operation.
It is a must to press the ENTER key after adjusting the SP else, the new value will not be registered / stored. The controller waits (approx.
for 30 seconds) by flashing new SP value. If the ENTER key is not pressed within wait time, the altered value will not store in the
controller memory and the previous set value will be retained. Also, if the power failure occurs prior to pressing ENTER key, upon
resumption of power, the controller will not store the altered value and retain the previous set value.
2. The SP is adjustable to any value between the ‘Setpoint Low’ and ‘Setpoint High’ set in PAGE-12 parameter list.
3. The SP is displayed and adjusted with the same unit and resolution as that for the PV.
4. The SP adjustment is also permitted in Operator Parameter list (PAGE-0) if it is enabled under supervisory level in PAGE-13 parameter
list. This facilitates user to adjust the SP value in the following conditions:
• If the Set-up mode is disabled under supervisory level in PAGE-13 parameter list.
• If the Lower Readout is occupied to display P followed by 3 blank digits while in Manual (Hand) mode.
• If the Lower Readout is occupied to display Profile Status while Profile Cycle is running.
• If the Lower Readout flashes (Tune) while Tuning operation is in progress. Notice that the controller will continue the Tuning
operation, however, the Tuning shall be carried out with respective to the altered SP value.
5. The SP can be adjusted even in “Parameter Locking” condition if the Set-up mode is enabled under supervisory level in PAGE-13
parameter list.
Upon issuing ‘Self Tune Command’, the controller starts Tuning itself to the process under control.
While the controller is executing Tuning operation, the Lower Readout flashes the message (Tune). The user is
advised not to disturb the process or alter any parameter values while the “Tune” message is being flashed. The “Tune”
message automatically disappears upon completion of Tuning procedure. The controller reverts to the original Operation
Mode which was operated prior to Tuning.
series controllers facilitate a separate PAGE for Operator Parameters to provide the operational ease for
normal day-to-day operations and to avoid unauthorized access to the controller’s Program Mode.