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Page 18                                                                                  NVX Range  Users, Instructions & Service Instructions Issue 5.5 August 2015

2.2 Flue/Combustion Air Duct System

The minimum distance between surfaces of the flue pipe 

and any surfaces made from combustible materials is 

300mm. If it is necessary for the flue pipe to pass through 

a structure made from combustible materials a metal 

sleeve must be used so that the minimum clearance of 

300mm is maintained. The flue and combustion air ducts 

supplied with the heater are capable of withstanding their 

own weight over the allowable flue lengths. Wall bands 

and bracing brackets, or equivalent, must be used to 

provide lateral stability and should be used at centres not 

exceeding 2.5 metres.

All models are supplied as standard with a rear flue outlet 

and the flue outlet and combustion air sockets temporarily 


2.2.1 Conversion to Top Flue Outlet

1. Remove the two blanking plates from the flue /combus-

tion air openings at the top of the unit.

2. Remove the four screws from the exhaust fan outlet 


3. Remove the screws securing the fan mounting box to 

the exhaust header plate.

4. Remove fan assembly and rotate the assembly 90° 


5 Refit the fan assembly to the exhaust header plate 

ensuring that the gasket is not damaged, if necessary 

replace or make good with silicon sealant.

6. Secure the exhaust fan outlet flange to the underside of 

the top panel and fit the blanking plates to the rear panel.

2.2.2. Fitting Flue/Combustion Air Sockets

1. Apply a bead of silicon sealant around the face of the 

flange on the exhaust fan outlet tube that can be seen 

from the outside of the heater. Place the flue socket on the 

outside of the heater to mate with this flange and clamp 

the two flanges together, on either side of the heater panel 

using the screws provided. Ensure that the silicon sealant 

has sealed between the two flanges. 

2. Apply a bead of silicon sealant around the face of the 

flange of the combustion air socket, on the same side as 

the socket. Passing the socket through the panel from the 

inside, position the flange up against the panel. Secure, 

from the outside, with the screws provided.

3. If ducted combustion air is not required (see Section 

1.2.5. Page 7) fit the mesh inlet plate behind the unused 

combustion air inlet hole.

4. Apply silicon sealant and refit blanking plates as 

required to seal unused panel holes.

2.2.2. General Requirements

See Figures 1a to 2b, Page 19 & 20 for the different types 

of flue installation. In all cases the flue outlet socket must 

be connected via the provided flue system to outside air. 

The maximum permitted length of flue system is 6m, or 

12m if the flue outlet only is used. If an offset is required 

two sets of 45° bends should be used each set being 

equivalent to 0.5m of flue length. 90° bends may be used 

but each set will be equivalent to 1.0m of flue length. The 

minimum flue length (end of flue terminal to back or top of 

heater) shall not be less than 1.0m for the NVx10 – 50 and 

1.3m for the NVx60 - 140.

All outer joints must be finished with the provided locking 

bands. A smear of silicon grease to the inside of sockets 

will assist in fitting components together. All flue and com-

bustion air ducts must be supported independently of the 

air heater. The flue or flue/combustion air terminal must 

not be installed so as to be less than:

- 300mm below an opening e.g. window, air brick etc. 

- 200mm below eaves or gutter.

- 300mm from an internal or external corner. 

- 1200mm from a surface facing the terminal.  

- 1500mm vertically from another terminal on the same 


- 300mm horizontally from another terminal on the same 


- 2000mm from ground level.

2.2.3. Installation of Flue System

Note: A terminal guard, as supplied by Powrmatic 

Ltd, must be fitted to horizontal flue terminals. 

The minimum flue length in all cases is:- 1m Horizontal System - Rear 


Note: If the outlet is required to the side of the unit 

90° bends may be fitted directly onto the inlet/out-

let spigots on the heater.

1. Locate the position of the flue terminal, allowing for a 

slight gradient running down from the heater to the termi-

nal of 2° - 3° and cut a hole to suit.


2. Fit the flue terminal, securing via the wall plate and 

weather with silicon sealant or similar.

3. Fit the twin to concentric adaptor to the terminal section 

and extend the flue and combustion air ducts to the heater 

using straight lengths. Fit an adjustable length prior to the 

unit, to facilitate flue disconnection for servicing. Extend 

the adjustable lengths to make the final connection to the 

appropriate heater inlet/outlet spigots.

4. Ensure that internal silicon sealing rings are in place 

and that all tubes are pushed fully home. Secure concen-

tric lengths with the locking bands provided.

Notes for all systems.

i) Final overall length of adjustable disconnection 

piece must be between 360 - 415mm.

ii) 45° offsets may be used if required. Each set is 

equivalent to  0.5m of flue length.

iii) Where NV heaters are used in clean environ-

ments it is permissible to take the combustion air 

directly from the heated space. The supplied 

mesh intake plate, must be fitted to the combus-

tion air inlet on the rear of the heater. Vertical System - Top Outlet

1. Locate the position of the flue terminal cut a hole in the 

roof to suit.

2. Fit the flashing and the flue terminal so that the lower 

edge of the outer case is over the top of the flashing. 

Weather with silicon sealant or similar.

Fit a condensate drain length into the flue socket on the 

heater and an equivalent straight length onto the combus-

tion air socket.

3. Fit the twin to concentric adaptor to the terminal section 

and then extend down to the heater using straight lengths. 

Fit adjustable lengths as the final connection pieces, to 

facilitate flue disconnection for servicing. Extend the 

adjustable lengths to make the final connection but do not 

exceed the maximum extended length so as to maintain 

joint integrity.

Extend the drainage off take of the condensate drainage 

length to a suitable gully or drain.

4. Ensure that internal silicon sealing rings are in place 

and that all tubes are pushed fully home. Secure concen-

tric lengths with the locking bands provided. Internal Combustion Air 


1. Complete the run of flue sections from the terminal 

spigot to the flue outlet socket of the heater generally as 

described in and, ensuring that the inter-

nal silicon sealing rings are in place.

2. It is recommended that both air inlets are utilized and 

that both are fitted with the mesh inlet plates supplied. In 

addition a 90° bend should be fitted to the rear inlet, the 

inlet opening of the bend facing to the side of the heater 

i.e. away from the main air fan. Standard Units

This is set for the required heat input before despatch. In 

the case of Hi/Lo and Modulating units both high and low 

pressures are set. Pressures should be checked in the 

following manner. Standard Units

1. Set external controls to ensure that the main burner is 


Open the side access door. Connect a pressure gauge to 

the burner pressure test point on the multifunctional 


2. Set external controls so as to turn on the main burner. 

Compare the measured burner gas pressure to that 

stated on the data plate. If necessary adjust the burner 

gas pressure by turning the regulator screw anticlockwise 

to decrease the pressure, or clockwise to increase the 


3. In addition it is advisable to check the gas rate using the 

gas meter dial pointer. Ensure that no other appliances 

supplied through the meter are in operation.

4. If required, after checking or setting the burner pres-

sures, the CO2 content in the flue gases can be checked 

by sampling in the first section of flue fitted to the flue 

outlet of the unit. Nominal CO2 values are given for guid-

ance in the Table at the bottom of the previous page.

5. Turn off the main burner and disconnect the pressure 

gauge and replace the sealing screw. Turn on the main 

burner as above and test for gas soundness around pres-

sure test joint using a leak detection fluid e.g. soap 


Governor adjustment screw under cover cap (Honeywell 


Fitted to the NVx 10 to 50

Governor adjustment screw under cover cap

 (Honeywell VR4605AB1027)


Fitted to the NVx 60, 75, 90 and 90S

Governor adjustment screw under cover cap (Honeywell 



Fitted to the NVx 120 and 140 High/Lo Regulator

1. Set external controls to ensure the main burner is off. 

Open the side access panel. Connect a pressure gauge to 

the burner pressure test point on the multifunctional 


2. Set external controls to turn on the main burner and 

maintain high fire. Compare the measured burner gas 

pressure to that stated on the data plate. In addition it 

is advisable to check the gas rate using the gas meter dial 

pointer ensuring that no other appliances supplied 

through the meter are in operation.

3. Repeat 2 above with external controls set to maintain 

low fire.

4. If it is necessary to adjust either the high fire or low fire 

pressures proceed as follows after levering off the plastic 

cover from the Hi/Lo regulator.

Note: High fire setting must be adjusted first after 

which the low fire setting can be set. Any adjust-

ment of the high fire setting alters the minimum 


Maximum Setting

With the controls set to high fire use an adjustable or 8mm 

spanner to turn the adjustment screw for high fire pres-

sure, clockwise to increase and counter-clockwise to 

decrease, until the required pressure is obtained. Turn the 

burner On and OFF several times to check the pressure 

setting and then turn off.

Minimum Setting

Disconnect electrical connection of high/low regulator and 

turn burners back on and wait until the burner pressure 

has stabilized. Use a screwdriver to turn the slotted 

adjustment screw for low fire pressure, clockwise to 

increase and counter-clockwise to decrease, until the 

required pressure is obtained. Reconnect high/low regu-

lator and check high fire pressure. Repeat both steps if 

necessary and then replace cover cap. 

5. Turn off the main burner, disconnect the pressure 

gauge and replace the sealing screw. Turn on the main 

burner and test for gas soundness around pressure test 

joint using a leak detection fluid. Replace access panel. Modulating Regulator

1. Set external controls to ensure that the main burner is 

off. Open the side access panel. Connect a pressure 

gauge to the burner pressure test point on the multifunc-

tional control. 

2. Set external controls so as to turn on the main burner 

and maintain high fire. Compare the measured burner gas 

pressure to that stated on the data plate. In addition it is 

advisable to check the gas rate using the gas meter dial 

pointer ensuring that no other appliances supplied 

through the meter are in operation. 

3. Repeat 2 above with external controls set to maintain 

low fire.

4. If it is necessary to adjust either the high fire or low fire 

pressures proceed as follows after removing the plastic 

cover from the Modulating regulator.

Note: Minimum fire setting must be adjusted first 

after which the high fire setting can be set. Any 

adjustment of the minimum fire setting alters the 

maximum setting.


Minimum Setting

Disconnect electrical connection of modulating regulator 

and turn burners back on and wait until the burner pres-

sure has stabilized. Turn 9mm adjustment nut for low fire 

pressure clockwise to increase and counter-clockwise to 

decrease until the required pressure is obtained. Recon-

nect modulating regulator and check high fire pressure, 

readjust if necessary.

Maximum Setting

Disconnect electrical connection of modulating regulator 

and turn burners back on and wait until the burner pres-

sure has stabilized. Push shaft gently downwards to the 

maximum adjustment screw and hold there. Turn 7mm 

adjustment nut for high fire pressure, clockwise to 

increase and counter-clockwise to decrease, until the 

required pressure is obtained. Release shaft. Repeat both 

settings if necessary and then replace cover cap.

5. Turn off the main burner, disconnect the pressure 

gauge and replace the sealing screw. Turn on the main 

burner and test for gas soundness around pressure test 

joint using a leak detection fluid. Replace access panel. Modulating Interface Board


Fig 8 Modulating Interface Board

The MIB interfaces between a 0-10VDC control signal 

and the modulating regulator. The following are applicable 

to this application.

1. The setting of the slide switches 1 & 2 should both be 

to OFF.


2. Potentiometer P1 (Default setting 100%)

The control current of the V7335A is controlled by P1, 

varying between 50% and 100% of the input signal.


-When P1 is set at 100% (fully clockwise) maximum 

power (165mA @ 22VDC) is provided to the modulation 

coil with a 10VDC input control signal.

-When P1 is set at 50% (fully anticlockwise) maximum 

power (165mA @ 22VDC) is provided to the modulation 

coil with a 5VDC input control signal.

3. Potentiometer P2

Controls the minimum drop-out voltage between 0% and 

40% E.g.

- When P2 is set at 0% the drop-out voltage with an input 

control signal of 0-10V-DC is 0.3V-DC.

- When P2 is set at 40% the drop-out voltage with an input 

control signal of 0-10V-DC is 4.0V-DC.

4. Potentiometer P3 (Default setting 100%)

Controls the maximum hold-in voltage. Its proportional 

value is added to the P2 setting E.g.

- When P2 is set at 0% and P3 is set at 5%, the hold-in 

voltage of the burner relay is adjustable between 5% and 

100% of the input control signal. If the input control signal 

is set at 0-10V-DC the hold-in voltage of the relay is 


- When P2 is set at 40% and P3 is set at 5%, the hold-in 

voltage of the burner relay is adjustable between 45% and 

100% of the input control signal. If the input control signal 

is set at 0-10V-DC the hold-in voltage of the relay is 


The following table shows the relationship between P2 

and P3 settings. Flame Current

1. To measure the flame current connect a multimeter 

capable of measuring micro amps as shown in the follow-

ing diagram. 

2. Minimum current reading is 0.5mA and normal value 

should be 1.5mA or higher.

Fig 8 Flame Current Measurement Air Heater Controls

1. Close the gas service tap and ensure that the gas valve 

is heard to close within 1 second and that the lockout light 

is illuminated. Note that the heater may attempt five re-ig-

nitions before going to lockout. Open the gas service tap 

and reset the unit from lockout.

2. Check that the room thermostat and all automatic 

controls are operating satisfactorily.

2.6.7. Fan/Limit Thermostat

Thermostat settings:-


Fan Off 

Fan On  


NVx 10-140   86°F/30


C 122°F/50


C 212°F/100°C


Note: NVx 10 to NVx 75 units have one fan/limit  

thermostat whereas NVx 90 to NVx 140 units 

have two. The second thermostat is at the oppo-

site end of the heater to the burner/controls end. 

The fan circuits are wired in parallel (either 

thermostat will turn on the fan) and the limit 

thermostats are wired in series (either thermostat 

will shut down the burner)

2.6.8. Handing over the Air Heater

Hand these instructions to the user or purchaser for reten-

tion and instruct in the efficient and safe operation of the 

air heater and associated controls. Adjust the automatic 

controls to those values required by the User.

Finally, advise the user or purchaser that, for continued 

efficient and safe operation of the air heater, it is important 

that servicing is carried out annually.

In the event that the premises are not yet occupied turn 

off the gas and electricity supplies and leave instructional 

literature adjacent to gas meter.

Summary of Contents for NVx Series

Page 1: ...nstallation and Servicing Instructions Brahma Control MKIII LIB GM44 GB IE H E AT I N G V E NT I L AT I O N A I R C O N D IT I O N I N G WARNING THIS APPLIANCE MUST BE EARTHED IMPORTANT Reset from Loc...

Page 2: ...g company 4 The heater has been used in accordance with the manufactures instructions 5 The correct specification fuel has been used 6 No unauthorised repairs of modifications have been made 7 Powrmat...

Page 3: our Technical Support Team by calling 01460 53535 Users Installation and Servicing Instructions CONTENTS Title Section Contents Page User Instructions 4 Pre Installation 1 1 Introduction 5 1 2...

Page 4: ...controls e g Time clock room thermostat etc call for heat The internal exhaust fan will run and when sufficient combustion airflow is proved by the air pressure switch the ignition spark will be gener...

Page 5: ...or industrial premises All variants with the exception of NVx EA units are for internal use only NVx heaters feature a closed combustion circuit and have an internal exhaust fan mounted downstream of...

Page 6: ...from drop rods via purpose designed M10 suspension fixing points on the heater ii attached to our optional wall support brackets or iii positioned on a level non combus tible base In all cases it is i...

Page 7: ...ocal gas undertaking The inlet gas pressure under running conditions must not be less than 17 5mb 1 2 4 2 Meters An existing meter should be checked preferably by the gas undertaking to ensure that th...

Page 8: ...Installation 1 3 In the space Low Level Grille Free Area Low Level Grille Free Area High Level Grille Free Area Low Level Grille Free Area Low Level Grille Free Area High Level Grille Free Area High L...

Page 9: provided If the air heater s is installed in a plant room the return air intake s and the warm air outlet s from the heater s must be fully ducted into and out of the plant room to avoid interferen...

Page 10: ...Page 10 NVX Range Users Instructions Service Instructions Issue 5 5 August 2015 1 3 Size Data NVx F Axial Fan Crossflow Units...

Page 11: ...00 700 760 100 233 5 492 142 317 450 232 5 925 206 114 297 1000 700 760 100 233 5 492 142 317 450 232 5 905 206 114 297 1000 700 912 100 233 5 644 142 317 450 232 5 925 206 114 374 1325 700 760 130 23...

Page 12: ...0 540 80 248 308 120 304 260 176 925 216 114 194 1000 700 760 100 233 5 492 142 283 260 197 925 206 114 297 1000 700 760 100 233 5 492 142 283 260 197 905 206 114 297 1000 700 912 100 233 5 644 142 28...

Page 13: ...4 1000 700 760 100 233 5 492 142 317 450 232 5 1430 206 114 297 1000 700 760 100 233 5 492 142 317 450 232 5 1430 206 114 297 1000 700 912 100 233 5 644 142 317 450 232 5 1430 206 114 374 1325 700 760...

Page 14: ...0 700 760 100 233 5 492 142 317 450 232 5 835 206 114 297 1000 700 760 100 233 5 492 142 317 450 232 5 835 206 114 297 1000 700 912 100 233 5 644 142 317 450 232 5 835 206 114 374 1325 700 760 130 235...

Page 15: Fan Bi Directional Units Model A B C D E F G H J K L M N P mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm 2325 700 700 130 235 5 356 220 347 850 278 1120 246 88 260 2325 700 831 130 235 5 487 220 347 85...

Page 16: ...e heater Top of heater Rear of heater Dependant on flue system used For Multi air heater Installations the following minimum distances between units must be observed Between units side to side Between...

Page 17: ...umstances must these points be used as the final means of suspension 2 1 2 Suspending the heater Threaded drop rods must have lock nuts fitted that are tightened down onto the 10mm fixings in the heat...

Page 18: ...n sealant around the face of the flange of the combustion air socket on the same side as the socket Passing the socket through the panel from the inside position the flange up against the panel Secure...

Page 19: ...centric adaptor to the terminal section and then extend down to the heater using straight lengths Fit adjustable lengths as the final connection pieces to facilitate flue disconnection for servicing E...

Page 20: ...ustable length Single to twin adaptor Flue socket Combustion air duct Maximum 6m Minimum 980mm Combustion air socket Note A terminal guard may be required Type C12 installation Type C32 installation P...

Page 21: sized See the wiring diagram accompanying these instructions Models supplied with a centrifugal fan silencer duct section require wiring to be completed between the heater and fan Refer to supplied...

Page 22: before leaving the factory After establishing the main burners test round the gas inlet connection using a leak detection fluid 1 Switch on the electrical supply at the isolator 2 If the limit indi...

Page 23: ...nal CO2 values are given for guid ance in the Table at the bottom of the previous page 5 Turn off the main burner and disconnect the pressure gauge and replace the sealing screw Turn on the main burne...

Page 24: meter dial pointer ensuring that no other appliances supplied through the meter are in operation 3 Repeat 2 above with external controls set to maintain low fire 4 If it is necessary to adjust eith...

Page 25: ...ignal of 0 10V DC is 0 3V DC When P2 is set at 40 the drop out voltage with an input control signal of 0 10V DC is 4 0V DC 4 Potentiometer P3 Default setting 100 Controls the maximum hold in voltage I...

Page 26: ...Controls 1 Close the gas service tap and ensure that the gas valve is heard to close within 1 second and that the lockout light is illuminated Note that the heater may attempt five re ig nitions befo...

Page 27: ...2 7 4 Heat Exchanger Whilst the main burner assembly is removed from the unit check that the primary sections that the burners fire into are clean 2 7 5 Main Fan Assembly 2 7 5 1 NVx F CCF Models 1 In...

Page 28: settings Fan Off Fan On Limit NVx 10 140 86 F 30o C 122 F 50o C 212 F 100 C 1 Squeeze the casing sides inward and pull casing forward 2 Remove the electrical connections from the thermostat 3 Remov...

Page 29: ...e 2 Electrical Loading 1ph NVx90 NVx120 5 00 2 30 7 80 3 80 NVx140 7 80 3 80 F Models CCF Models MODEL PLATE AMPS A START AMPS A RUN AMPS A FUSE RATING A NVx10 2 NVx15 0 18 0 34 0 16 910 2 8 4 2 2 10...

Page 30: ...00 183 F CCF HIGH FIRE LOW FIRE AIR VOLUME MAXIMUM DUCT RESISTANCE FAN MOTOR WEIGHT NVx60 65 60 60 0 32 80 27 88 1 5608 N A 0 680 135 5 250 1 40 213 NVx75 NVx90 NVx120 81 30 75 0 95 3 90 0 130 1 120 0...

Page 31: ...8 59 2 8 4 50 NVx90S 10 2 83 950 8 0 10 35 2 8 6 06 NVx90 6 3 5 1500 9 4 10 07 3 5 6 19 NVx120 8 3 5 1500 9 1 13 77 4 1 9 30 NVx140 10 3 5 1500 8 4 15 74 4 0 10 46 Minimum Inlet Pressure 37mbar Inlet...

Page 32: ...t reset when cold check for for 230V between terminals 9 11 on the limit interface board Check connections faulty limit stat Gas Electrical supplies present Unit at Lockout Lockout lamp on low level c...

Page 33: ...more ignition attempts then lock out Exhaust fan continues to run APS has lost C to N O continuity slightly reduce APS set point Check for 230V between terminals 13 N of the terminal strip Absent Rep...

Page 34: ...120 140 141378715 Ignition Electrode 10 75 142423002 Ignition Electrode 90S 90 140 142423004 Rectification Electrode All 142423003 Burner 10 75 142400240 Burner 90S 90 140 142400241 Fan Limit Thermost...

Page 35: ...04 Z 15 35 40 140232005 Z 15 50 90 140232006 Z 15 60 75 120 140 140232007 Z 15 90S 140232011 Main air fan Axial NVx V 10 15 140232002 Z 15 20 140232010 Z 15 30 40 140232009 Z 50 90 140232018 60 75 120...

Page 36: However as part of our policy of continued product improvement we reserve the right to alter specification without prior notice Page 36 NVX Range Users Instructions Service Instructions Issue 5...
