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BACnet®/IP Server Settings
1. Click on the BACnet®/IP Server button. This will put the gateway into configuration mode so you can edit the BACnet® settings.
2. Enter the Device Instance that the 260MX-S027 will have on the BACnet®/IP Network. Note that this must be unique amongst all BACnet®
devices on the network.
3. In the Name field enter a unique name for the device.
4. The Description and Location fields are optional. Filling in this information is recommended to identify the device on a network.
5. Beneath the Read Data Groups, verify the number of Analog Input (AI), Analog Output (AO), Binary Input (BI), and Binary Output (BO)
objects that you will be exposing to the BACnet®/IP Client.
6. Click Save Parameters.
7. To save changes and force the gateway back to running mode, click on the Reboot Now button and after 5 seconds hit the Refresh button.
You should see the gateway appear in Mode: Running.