1/2 in. Spade Handle Electric Drill
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1. Wood chips accumulate in the drill’s flute during drilling, potentially
causing overheating and burning the workpiece. Occasionally withdraw the
twist bit from the hole to clear the chips.
2. The drill bit may splinter the back of a workpiece when pushed through.
Place a scrap piece of wood flat against the workpiece and secure it. The
scrap wood will support the workpiece.
3. A spade bit has a drill guide flute. When this penetrates the rear of the
workpiece, withdraw the drill bit. Turn the workpiece over and place the
guide flute into the small hole. Resume drilling to complete the hole.
Choose a drill bit suitable for the type of metal and type of hole. Jamming the
drill bit is more likely to occur when drilling metal. Use only good quality drill
bits designed to penetrate metal.
1. Drill bit material may be high-speed steel (HSS), black oxide coating,
cobalt steel or titanium nitride coating. Choose the one appropriate for the
type of metal.
2. The best options for a drill bit is either twist bits with a flatter cutting tip
angle or a step bit. A step bit is conical and start with a narrow cutting
edge that increases in ‘steps’ to larger cutting edges. Each step enlarges
the hole cut by the previous step.
3. Start drilling at a slow speed, gradually increasing the speed as the drill
cuts. The harder the material, the slower the speed required. In softer
material, higher speeds may be used.
4. Drill a small pilot hole in the metal before attempting to drill a larger
diameter hole with a larger drill bit. Another option is to use a step bit, as it
can create its own pilot hole.
5. Use cutting oil to lubricate the drill point. This cools the drill bit and metal,
reduces the chance of jamming and prolongs the drill bit’s lifespan.